
A really dumb bash script to perform limited tests with the guetzil command created by Google.

Primary LanguageShell


A bash script to perform automated testing with the guetzil command created by Google.

To download guetzil, visit: https://github.com/google/guetzli


I had zero understanding of this command, and wanted to better understand how best to use this tool. Since the command took a sigficant amount of time on my testing computer, I realized that I had to have a script that could execute whilst I was away. Hence: gotGuetzil.sh

This script will take a test image as it's input, and apply the guetzil command with incrementing levels of 'quality' while also timing how long the function takes. All data is outputted to the screen.


Be sure to add the ability for this file to execute. In the terminal:

chmod +x gotGuetzil.sh

Then cd into the directory containing your test image, and make sure that the test image's filename is: "TestImage.jpg" If you would rather not use this label, then simply modify the script to reflect the correct filename that you are using.



Or if you'd like the results saved into a textfile:

./gotGuetzil.sh > results.txt