
A functional scoreboard for competitions (written in Django).

Primary LanguagePython

Django Scoreboard

A functional scoreboard for question/answer competitions.

Getting Started


pip install django
pip install django-allauth
pip install markdown


Clone this repository and run:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
mkdir .media

To set up with the sample challenge set:

mkdir .media/files/
touch .media/files/myfile.txt
python manage.py loaddata sample
python manage.py runserver

Then go into the admin panel /admin and create a Competition, referencing the sample schema that was created. Log out and visit the site, creating an account as another user to see the user experience.




If you alter files in the src dir, you will need to run

npm i             # install the node dependencies
npm i -g webpack  # install webpack globally
webpack           # rebuild the frontend JS

Loading Challenges

You can manage challenges through the admin GUI with the site superuser, but you can also load "fixtures".

Fixtures should go in _competitions dir, and there is a sample.yaml file for reference. All fixtures should go in .yaml files.

Note that for data files (example on line 197 (pk: 113)), the file must exist in the .media/ directory for the challenge to actually work. You will have to put it there yourself for the fixture to work.


  • John F Marion

Built With
