RelaXed Boilerplate


This is a boilerplate for book PDF projects using RelaXedJS for PDF generation.

The purpose of this repository is to serve as a starting point and reference.

It includes a few sample lorem ipsum chapters as well as an image.

The book.pug file and the book.scss theme are variations on the official book example provided by RelaXed.

Getting Started

Use this a starting point for a book PDF project.


In order to use RelaXed, you need to have pupetteer installed. When it is installed on Amazon Linux EC2, installing RelaXed is not enough to get pupetteer working.

I found this article to be helpful:


  • Clone this repository
  • Install RelaXed: npm i -g relaxedjs


Write chapters in markdown format in the src/ directory. Follow the examples in book.pug to add more chapters. The system I have here is the the markdown files contain only the chapter text (not titles or title images).

Titles and title images should be included in the pug file.

When ready, run relaxed book.pug to watch your files and generate book.pdf.

I find relaxed to be a little clunky, especially without the ability to do a one-time generation of the PDF instead of watching the directory.

I often make my edits, then start relaXed, then re-save the .pug file to get the PDF.