World Information

The political map is current as of the year 860. Many of the nations are on the brink of conflict. Here is some information on the countries at the time of this map.


The Kingdom of Baurce-Engwor is not poised for anything great anytime in the near future. The kingdom's continuity is uncertain, as growing revolutionary groups and poor economic conditions caused by drought are responsible for an unstable political climate. Furthermore, the Republic of Rubagh (which lies west of Baurce) and the Pavach Kingdom to the East are rapidly heading towards war, meaning that Baurce could could soon be a battleground for the major world powers. The Baurcish people have a long history of struggle with Rubagh and most would be sympathetic to Pavach, but they are in no position to participate in a continental war.


Pavach is an ancient and wealthy superpower that once ruled half the continent. The people are both devoutly religious and fiercely nationalist. The recently founded Chiapal League, an alliance of countries sharing the same faith, was established by and is headquartered in the Pavach Kingdom. While high-ranking clerics supported this move for theological reasons, many Pavach officials overtly plan to use the League to reassert Pavach hegemony over the continent. As Rubagh is the only other Leosan nation that rivals Pavach power, Pavach's far-reaching military and intelligence organizations actively seek to disrupt Rubaghi interests.


The city-states of Rujer, especially the coastal ones, are home the most religiously apathetic culture that can be found in Leosa. Thus Rujer will not be taking sides in any coming war. The cities of the Pentapolis comprise the most important trade hub in the world, and many Pentapolis merchants seek to use that strategic position for profit during any coming warfare.

The Droitte

The Droitte is an area that has almost no influence outside its borders. Physical geography may offer the region some isolation from future conflict, which has generally been true in the past. However, the Droitte is essentially a client state of Pavach, which means it may see a return of tribute demands in the near future.


The Republic of Paecto is at the height of its golden age. The City of Paecto is the largest in Leosa. The University of Paecto enjoys international prestige and produces scientific and philosophical works that are read across the continent. Paecton technologies continue to change the economic world. Paecto is a staunch ally of Pavach and a member of the Chiapal League, but does not have a very formidable military.


The nation wherein the Chiapal faith was founded is the only powerful Chiapal nation that is not a member of Chiapal League. A Chiapal schism and divergent interests have caused intense rivalry between Nietang and Pavach. Nietang has closed the Miamuo Straight to Pavach ships, dealing a significant blow to Pavach's ability to easily exercise power over southern Leosa. Pavach officials covet access to the port, but would have to seriously count to cost of gaining access by force. They will likely be forced to sail around all of Nietang, leaving the sometimes mysterious Sultanate to continue its long period of isolationism.


The native, tribal religion of the Asani people bears little resemblance to the heavily organized Chiapal religion. The people of Asani of nonetheless felt very warmly towards Pavach for centuries. The lack of any real formal government in Asani makes it impossible for the subcontinent to join the Chiapal League, but the disposition of wealthy merchants in coastal cities render Asani a de facto ally of Pavach and Chiapal League. This makes Asani a very strategic location, as the wealthy cities of Rujer are likely to remain neutral in any coming conflicts.

Denali Haran

The Denali Empire is currently in a transitional period. It remains a powerful force, but nowhere near as powerful as it has been in decades past. Major political reforms that aim to ease the popular dissatisfaction with previous autocratic emperors are underway. The Denali government has made peace with Rubagh and have even joined the Rubaghi League, which was founded as a counter to the Chiapal League. Despite the tenuous nature of the alliance with Rubagh, the non-Chiapal Denalis see the growing militance of the Chiapal faith as the greater threat to their way of life.


The region of Fudoquara falls firmly within Denal's sphere of influence, yet the people there have little concern for what goes on outside of their local communities. The desert climate and fierce defensiveness of the people when it comes to the tribal lands have made Fudoquara a place largely ignored by most of the outside world. The port city of Riadaveo may be an exception to this in coming years, as it is largely under the Denali control and will likely play a major role in Denali's attempts to limit Pavach influence in the Southern Sea. The local Quaran religion, known to outsiders as the "Desert Faith", is entirely unrelated to Chiapal as well as the Fishukist faith of Denal and Rubagh.


The unified Naicrun tribes converted to Chiapalism in mass relatively recently, and their zeal has led the new Empire to become an enthusiastic member of the Chiapal League. The Naicruns long to become a superpower, and the chance to attack Rubagh's position as the superpower of the West is something that they will not pass up. Naicrun generals have consolidated many troops near the Baurcish border, ready to protect it from Rubaghi aggression.


The Republic of Rubagh is the result of the marital unification between the Empire of Gharbagh and the Kingdom of Kujoot. Both Gharbagh and Kujoot serve as the Republic's capital cities, and the nation is governed by power divided between a King and a Senate. It's sudden rise to power as a major nation have led to some resentment in other Leosan nations. The recent creation of the Chiapal League in Pavach was seen in Rubagh as a declaration of war. In response, Rubagh immediately made peace with Denal and formed the Rubaghi League as an alliance for all nations that felt threatened by Pavach's aggressive founding of an alliance based on the Chiapal faith. The Rubaghi government is divided between adopting a defensive strategy and launcing a preemtive invasion of Baurce-Engwor. It is unclear what Rubagh will do in the coming, but whatever it does will likely set the tone for next several decades.

The Adzeshno

The three major Zeshnon cities (Adzeshnog, Tevlid, and Gosa) are client states of the Rubaghi Republic. All three cities joined the Rubaghi League almost immediately. The region, however, is geopolitically insignificant.