
A clean blog theme for Zola

Primary LanguageSCSS


Butler is a clean, responsive theme for zola.

Demo: See it in action



First download this theme to your themes directory:

$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/shalzz/butler.git

and then enable it in your config.toml:

theme = "butler"

This theme provides an additional template blog.html that paginates all the pages in a section. To use it enable in your section frontmatter.

template = "blog.html"
sort_by = "date"
paginate_by = 10

All the three options above are required for the blog template to work properly.



Set a field in extra with a key of butler_nav_bar:

# This is the default menu
butler_nav_bar = [
    {url = "$BASE_URL/blog", name = "Blog"},

If you put $BASE_URL in a url, it will automatically be replaced by the actual site URL.


The site title is shown on the header. As it might be different from the <title> element that the title field in the config represents, you can set the author.name instead.