
A PHP library to handle images

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Gregwar's Image class

The Gregwar\Image class purpose is to provide a simple object-oriented images handling and caching API.


Basic handling

Using methods chaining, you can open, transform and save a file in a single line:


use Gregwar\Image\Image;

    ->resize(100, 100)

The methods available are:

  • resize($width, $height, $background): resizes the image, will preserve scale and never enlarge it

  • scaleResize($width, $height, $background): resizes the image, will preserve scale

  • forceResize($width, $height, $background): resizes the image, will orce the image to be exactly $width by $height

  • cropResize($width, $height, $background): resizes the image preserving scale and croping the whitespaces

  • crop($x, $y, $w, $h): crops the image to a box located on coordinates $x,y and which size is $w by $h

  • negate(): negates the image colors

  • brighness($b): applies a brightness effect to the image (from -255 to +255)

  • contrast($c): applies a contrast effect to the image (from -100 to +100)

  • grayscale(): converts the image to grayscale

  • emboss(): emboss the image

  • smooth($p): smooth the image

  • sharp(): applies a mean removal filter on the image

  • edge(): applies an edge effect on the image

  • colorize($red, $green, $blue): colorize the image (from -255 to +255 for each color)

  • sepia(): applies a sepia effect

  • merge($image, $x, $y, $width, $height): merges two images

  • fill($color, $x, $y): fills the image with the given color

  • write($font, $text, $x, $y, $size, $angle, $color, $position): writes text over image, $position can be any of 'left', 'right', or 'center'

  • rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $filled=false): draws a rectangle

  • roundedRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $radius, $color, $filled=false): draws a rounded rectangle ($radius can be anything from 0)

  • line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color): draws a line

  • ellipse($cx, $cy, $width, $height, $color, $filled=false): draws an ellipse

  • circle($cx, $cy, $r, $color, $filled=false): draws a circle

  • zoomCrop($width, $height, $background): resize and crop the image to fit to given dimensions

  • fillBackground($bg=0xffffff): fills the background of a transparent image to the 'bg' color

You can also create image from scratch using:

    Image::create(200, 100);

Where 200 is the width and 100 the height

Saving the image

You can save the image to an explicit file using save($file, $type = 'jpg', $quality = 80):

    // ...
    $image->save('output.jpg', 'jpg', 85);

You can also get the contents of the image using get($type = 'jpg', $quality = 80), which will return the binary contents of the image

Using cache

Each operation above is not actually applied on the opened image, but added in an operations array. This operation array, the name, type and modification time of file are hashed using sha1() and the hash is used to look up for a cache file.

Once the cache directory configured, you can call the following methods:

  • jpeg($quality = 80): lookup or create a jpeg cache file on-the-fly

  • gif(): lookup or create a gif cache file on-the-fly

  • png(): lookup or create a png cache file on-the-fly

  • guess($quality = 80): guesses the type (use the same as input) and lookup or create a cache file on-the-fly

  • setPrettyName($prettyName): sets a name prefix for the file, if you want it to be more SEO-friendly. for instance, if you call it "Fancy Image", the cache will look like something/fancy-image-something.jpg.

For instance:


use Gregwar\Image\Image;

echo Image::open('test.png')

//Outputs: cache/images/1/8/6/9/c/86e4532dbd9c073075ef08e9751fc9bc0f4.jpg

If the original file and operations do not change, the hashed value will be the same and the cache will not be generated again.

You can use this directly in an HTML document:


use Gregwar\Image\Image;

// ...
<img src="<?php echo Image::open('image.jpg')->resize(150, 150)->jpeg(); ?>" />
// ...

This is powerful since if you change the original image or any of your code the cached hash will change and the file will be regenerated.

Writing image

You can also create your own image on-the-fly using drawing functions:

<img src="<?php echo Image::create(300, 300)
    ->fill(0xffaaaa)    // Filling with a light red
    ->rectangle(0xff3333, 0, 100, 300, 200, true) // Drawing a red rectangle
    // Writing "Hello $username !" on the picture using a custom TTF font file
    ->write('./fonts/CaviarDreams.ttf', 'Hello '.$username.'!', 150, 150, 20, 0, 'white', 'center')
    ->jpeg(); ?>" />

Using fallback image

If the image file doesn't exists, you can configurate a fallback image that will be used by the class (note that this require the cache directory to be available).

A default "error" image which is used is in images/error.jpg, you can change it with:


Garbage Collect

To prevent the cache from growing forever, you can use the provided GarbageCollect class as below:

// This could be a cron called each day @3:00AM for instance
use Gregwar\Image\GarbageCollect;

// Removes all the files from ../cache that are more than 30 days
// old. A verbose output will explain which files are deleted
GarbageCollect::dropOldFiles(__DIR__.'/../cache', 30, true);

Using with composer

This repository is available with composer under the name gregwar/image, so simply add this to your requires :

    "requires": {
        "gregwar/image": "dev-master"

And update your dependencies, you'll be able to use the composer autoloader to load the class


Gregwar\Image is under MIT License


Gregwar\Image is using PHP metaprogramming paradigms so it make it easy to enhance.

Each function that handle the image is implemented in an Adapter, this is where all the specific actions take places.

The Common adapter is design to contain common abstract actions, while the specific adatpers (like GD) are designed to contain actions specific to the low level layer.

You can add your own methods by adding it in the corresponding adapter.

    // In the adapter
    private function myFilter()

Which could be usable on the Image


You can also write your own adapter in your application, which could extend one of this repository, and uses it calling setAdapter():

    $image->setAdapter(new MyCustomAdapter);

Do not hesitate to fork this repository and customize it !