
Jenkins utils

Primary LanguagePython

Jenkins Utils

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Implements some jenkins utils in python way.

jenkins-utils does not support plain-credentials, ssh-credentials plugins, so there's no option to encrypt/decrypt these data yet.

  • Python 3.4+
  • pycrypto (non windows systems)
  • pycryptodomex (windows)


Does not work automatically on python-3.7 and Windows due to inavailability to build pycrypto module on host system, however any of installed pycrypto/pycryptodomex modules are supported on any os/platform.

Currently there's encrypt/decrypt operations implemented and gathered in convenient and python developer friendly form.

As an example you an decrypt (or encrypt) message using Jenkins's master and hudson secret keys:

$ python invoke.py --master-key master.key --hudson-secret-key hudson.util.Secret \
                   --action decrypt "{AQAAABAAAAAgd+820Q6QR4ABkf3JpXHacuO3zdj11o8JD/6VIJi8XjS9GJJyWquIYbNokyKKsIfN}"

this is simple text to encrypt

$ python invoke.py --master-key master.key --hudson-secret-key hudson.util.Secret \
                   --aes-type cbc --action encrypt "this is simple text to encrypt"


  • Master key is located at $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key
  • Hudson key is located at $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import base64
import argparse
from lxml import etree
from jenkins.utils import Secret

def decrypt(opts):
    master_key = open(opts.master_key, 'rb').read()
    hudson_secret_key = open(opts.hudson_key, 'rb').read()
    secret = Secret(
        master_key=master_key, hudson_secret_key=hudson_secret_key
    credentials = etree.fromstring(
        open(opts.credentials, 'rb').read()
    for node in credentials.xpath('//com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.'
        username, *_ = node.xpath('./username/text()')
        password_encoded, *_ = node.xpath('./password/text()')
        password = base64.decodebytes(password_encoded.encode('utf-8'))
            "Encrypted (username:password): ({}:{})".format(
                username, secret.decrypt(password)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--credentials', dest='credentials',
                        required=True, help='jenkins credentials.xml file')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--master-key', dest='master_key',
                        help='jenkins secrets master.key file', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-H', '--hudson-secret-key', dest='hudson_key',
                        help='jenkins secrets hudson.util.Secret file')
    options = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python reader.py -c credentials.xml -m master.key -H hudson.util.Secret

Encrypted (username:password): (scm-bot:W9CA6qTajV)
Encrypted (username:password): (artifactory-bot:vB9V9BtPN4)
Encrypted (username:password): (git-bot:V32c5S8TnHCvmfr)
... and so on