
Percona 64-bit MySQL server with Quickbackup

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is based on Joyent mibe. Please note this repository should be build with the mi-core-base mibe image.

Most of the scripts are from the Joyent mi-percona image.

mdata variables

  • mysql_pw: mysql root password


  • 3306/tcp: mysql server


The following sample can be used to create a zone running a copy of the the qutic-percona image.

IMAGE_UUID=$(imgadm list | grep 'qutic-percona' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
vmadm create << EOF
  "brand":      "joyent",
  "image_uuid": "$IMAGE_UUID",
  "alias":      "percona56",
  "hostname":   "percona56.example.com",
  "dns_domain": "example.com",
  "resolvers": [
  "nics": [
      "interface": "net0",
      "nic_tag":   "admin",
      "ip":        "",
      "gateway":   "",
      "netmask":   ""
  "max_physical_memory": 1024,
  "max_swap":            1024,
  "quota":                 10,
  "cpu_cap":              100,
  "customer_metadata": {
    "admin_authorized_keys": "your-long-key",
    "root_authorized_keys":  "your-long-key",
    "mail_smarthost":        "mail.example.com",
    "mail_auth_user":        "you@example.com",
    "mail_auth_pass":        "smtp-account-password",
    "mail_adminaddr":        "report@example.com",
    "munin_master_allow":    "munin-master.example.com",
    "vfstab":                "storage.example.com:/export/data    -       /where-ever-you-want    nfs     -       yes     rw,bg,intr",
    "mysql_pw":              "fe07774d219916e6ca29dfdbca331ebb",
    "mysql_server_id":       "1",
    "mysql_qb_pw":           "c418530bee3ccf52f2637e1baac4b72b"
  "delegate_dataset":      true

After creating the zone login and run /opt/local/bin/mysql_secure_installation!


  • add configuration for redis slave setup: slaveof 6379