
SmartOS smb-server in a zone

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is based on Joyent mibe. Please note this repository should be build with the mi-qutic-base mibe image.


Minimal mibe image for a Samba Server. You need to create your users and shares after the install.


Create datasets for timemachine and home:

zfs create zones/datasets
zfs set compression=lz4 zones/datasets
zfs create zones/datasets/timemachine
zfs create zones/datasets/home

Create the machine:

IMAGE_UUID=$(imgadm list | grep 'qutic-smb' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
vmadm create << EOF
  "brand":      "joyent",
  "image_uuid": "$IMAGE_UUID",
  "alias":      "smb",
  "hostname":   "smb.example.com",
  "dns_domain": "example.com",
  "resolvers": [
  "nics": [
      "interface":   "net0",
      "nic_tag":     "admin",
      "ip":          "",
      "gateway":     "",
      "netmask":     "",
      "dhcp_server": "1"
  "filesystems": [
      "source": "/zones/datasets/timemachine",
      "target": "/data",
      "type": "lofs",
      "options": [ "rw" ]
      "source": "/zones/datasets/home",
      "target": "/home",
      "type": "lofs",
      "options": [ "rw" ]
  "max_physical_memory": 1024,
  "quota":                 10,
  "cpu_cap":              100,
  "customer_metadata": {
    "mail_smarthost": "mail.example.com",
    "mail_auth_user": "mail@example.com",
    "mail_auth_pass": "secure-pwd",
    "mail_adminaddr": "mail@example.com",
    "zabbix_server":  "zabbix.example.com",
    "zabbix_pski":    "PSKI",
    "zabbix_psk":     "long-pre-shared-key"


Add existing system user to smb:

smbpasswd -a admin

Create a new system user and add her to smb:

useradd -m -s /usr/bin/bash -d /home/joe -u 1100 -g staff joe
chmod 0700 /home/joe
passwd joe
smbpasswd -a joe

For timemachine create a user folder too:

mkdir -m 700 /data/joe
chown jerry:staff /data/joe

On a Mac add the timemachine destination like:

sudo tmutil setdestination 'smb://joe:smbpasswd@smb.example.com/timemachine'


  • 137/udp: smb server
  • 445/tcp: smb server
