Simple and lightweight PHP Class to create thumbnails.
Import the class
include 'SimpleThumbnail.php';
Instance the class, configure size, load image source and set name of thumbnail
$simpleThumbnail = new SimpleThumbnail;
$simpleThumbnail->generate("image.png", "thumb.jpg");
There are some methods that you must use to generate your thumbnail:
- setWidth(int $width)
Set width of thumbnail, parameter must be a integer value.
- setHeight(int $height)
Set height of thumbnail, parameter must be a integer value.
- setQuality(int $quality)
Set quality of thumbnail, parameter must be a integer value between 1 and 100..
- generate(string $sourceImage, string $thumbnailTarget)
This method will load original image from a source path given as string on the first parameter and will generate a thumbnail with the size and quality given on settings methods.
The Thumbnail will be saved on the path passed as string on the second parameter.
Its just a class who load original image and generate a thumbnail with a size and quality given.
This class is designed to be a simple and lightweight way to create thumbnails.
The idea came from my need to generate thumbnails and many classes that I found on the internet had several features that are not necessary to generate a simple thumbnail.
Created by Guilherme Farias, a web developer from Brazil.
SimpleThumbnail is released under the terms of the MIT license.