
Artifact of "Example-Directed Synthesis: A Type-Theoretic Implementation" by Frankle, Osera, Walker, and Zdancewic.

Primary LanguageF#


  • Jonathan Frankle (Princeton University)
  • Peter-Michael Osera (Grinnell College)
  • Dave Walker (Princeton University)
  • Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania)


This repository requires several other packages to run. On Ubuntu:

  • make
  • mono-devel
  • nuget
  • fsharp

To download the proper nuget packages, you might need to update your certificates:

> mozroots --import --sync


Welcome to the implementation of our refinement-based synthesis system. It consists of approximately 4,000 lines of F#. It allows a user to supply a collection of "libraries" (available declarations) in a polymorphic subset of OCaml and, given a type and a refinement, ask the synthesizer to generate a program. These programs are written in a subset of OCaml (with an explicit "fix" operator replacing nested "let rec" bindings for convenience). We describe the syntax and structure of synthesis programs in later sections.

Note that all data in the paper was collected an AWS m4.large instance. The performance on a VM will be scaled down accordingly.


The main directory stores several files and directories:

  • refinements.sln: The F# solution file for the project.
  • Makefile: Makefile for building/cleaning the executable.
  • check-baseline.py, generate-baseline.py, collect-data.py: Python scripts for batch testing of the synthesis system.
  • synthesize.sh: Script that calls the executable for the synthesizer.
  • refinements: Source directory.
  • tests: Benchmarks for the system and baselines for what they should synthesize.


The synthesizer allows a user to choose between four different strategies for resolving the non-determinism of the sequent calculus when searching for arguments for function application (Strategies 1-4 in the paper):

  • Strategy 1: union_everywhere: Disjunction-based enumeration
  • Strategy 2: union_at_base: Hybrid enumeration
  • Strategy 3: union_everywhere_unsound: Unsound, disjunction-based enumeration
  • Strategy 4: raw: Type-based enumeration


We supply three sets of benchmarks (those presented in the paper). They consist of problems similar to those that might be assigned in an introductory functional programming class. The three sets are:

  • popl-main: Drawn directly from those tested in the Myth paper (Osera and Zdancewic, PLDI 2015).
  • popl-min: A subset of benchmarks from popl-main whose refinements were condensed using the more expressive refinement language in this paper except for polymorphism.
  • popl-poly: A subset of benchmarks from popl-min whose refinements were condensed using the more expressive refinement language in this paper including polymorphism.

Names listed are subdirectories of tests (i.e., tests/popl-min). Each benchmark is stored in a file with extension .ml. Each baseline of the result it should produce is stored in a file with extension .out.


To compile:

> make

To clean:

> make clean

To clean and remove nuget packages:

> make nuke


To execute the synthesizer:

  1. Begin in the top-level directory (you should see the files in section FILES).
  2. If you have not compiled already, compile.
> make
  1. Choose the name of a file to run (tests/popl-main/list-map.ml).
  2. Choose an enumeration strategy (union_everywhere_unsound).
  3. Execute the synthesizer with your chosen file and enumeration strategy:
> ./synthesize.sh --input [input file] --enum_strategy [strategy]

 For example:
> ./synthesize.sh --input tests/popl-main/list_map.ml
                  --enum_strategy union_everywhere_unsound


Each flag for the synthesizer and its options are listed below.

--input [file]
  file: The name of the source file for the synthesis problem.
  This flag must be set.

--output [location]
  location: The name of an output file or stdout
  Defaults to stdout.

--verbose [option]
  option: yes to display a trace of the search process at every step or no
  Defaults to no.

--sampling [strategy]
  strategy: jit for just-in-time sampling or aot for ahead-of-time sampling
  Defaults to jit.

--time [mode]
  mode: no to display no timing information, yes to output synthesis time in
        ms, or data to collect several values in comma-separated form
  Defaults to no.

--enum_strategy [strategy]
  strategy:raw, union_everywhere, union_at_base, union_everywhere_unsound
  Defaults to raw.

For the test run in the paper, all of the flags were set to their defaults except for --enum_strategy and --input, which we varied, and --time, which was set to data.


The python scripts generate-baselines.py and check-baselines.py create and check against baseline files. check-baselines.py runs a diff of the existing baselines and the output of the synthesizer. The python script collect-data.py generates test data on stdout with the time flag set to data.

To run generate-baselines.py:

> python generate-baseline.py ./synthesize.sh [test(s)]

where [test(s)] is the path to a single test or a directory of tests to generate multiple baselines at once.

To run check-baselines.py:

> python check-baseline.py ./synthesize.sh [test(s)]

where [test(s)] is the path to a single test or a directory of tests to check multiple baselines at once. This script produces a diff of the current output and the existing baseline.

To run collect-data.py:

> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh [test(s)] [enumeration strategy]

where [test(s)] is the path to a single test or a directory of tests to collect data on at once and [enumeration strategy] is the chosen enumeration strategy.

To reproduce the results from Figure 11 (results are formatted with the --time flag set to data):

Strategy 1:

> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-main union_everywhere

Strategy 2:

> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-main union_at_base

Strategy 3:

> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-main union_everywhere_unsound

Strategy 4:

> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-main raw

To reproduce the results from Figure 12:


> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-main raw


> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-min raw


> python collect-data.py ./synthesize.sh tests/popl-poly raw


A synthesis problem consists of a series of datatype declarations and library declarations followed by a synthesis problem.


Dataype declarations are identical to those in OCaml. Each datatype name is followed by a series of constructors preceded by | symbols. Each constructor declaration contains the type that it stores:

type nat =
| Z
| S of nat

type natlist =
| Nil
| Cons of nat * natlist

The type language includes user-declared base types (nat), tuples (nat * list), functions (list -> nat), and the unit type (unit). Nullary constructors implicitly store a value of unit type.

Polymorphic datatypes are permitted in a manner identical to OCaml:

type 'a list =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'a list

type ('a, 'b) list2 =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) list2


Library declarations introduce names that are available for use during synthesis. Every library begins with a let-binding and ends with a double semicolon (;;).

Library declarations can include constants:

let x : nat = S (S (S Z)) ;;


let inc (n:nat) : nat = S n ;;

Recursive functions:

let rec len (ls:list) : nat =
  match ls with
  | Nil u -> Z
  | Cons ls2 -> S (len (#2 ls2))

Mutual recursion is unsupported at this time.

All library declarations must have their types annotated and end in double semicolons.

Inside a library, allowable expressions include match statements:

match n with
| Z u  -> ...
| S n2 -> ...

(Note: Nullary patterns must include a variable for the unit value they store)


(Z, S Z)


Cons(Z, Nil)

The unit value:


Function application:

f (S Z)

Tuple projection:

#1 t
#2 (Z, S Z)

(Tuple projection syntax is borrowed from Standard ML, e.g.,#2 (Z, S Z) --> S Z)

Internal let bindings and function literals are unsupported at this time.

Assuming that standard nat and list types have been declared, standard natural number and list notation is desugared appropriately:

type nat =
| Z
| S nat

type list =
| Nil
| Cons nat * list

let seven : nat = 7;;

let ls : list = [6; 0; 9];;


At the end of a synthesis input is the synthesis problem itself:

let function_name : type |> refinement = ?


let rec function_name : type |> refinement = ?
      (for recursive functions)


  • function_name is the name of the function to be synthesized.
  • type is the type of the function (as described in section DATATYPE DECLARATIONS)
  • refinement is a refinement describing the function (see section REFINEMENTS)


A refinement is kind of type that specifies a smaller set of values than the standard OCaml type system. The grammar of refinements is below. Please see the paper for a full explanation of how these refinements work.

r ::=
    | ()                 [unit refinement]
    | C r                [constructor refinement, where C is a constructor]
    | (r, ...)           [tuple refinement]
    | r -> r             [function refinement]
    | (r)                [refinement in parentheses]
    | /\(r, ...)         [intersection refinement]
    | \/(r, ...)         [union refinement]
    | t                  [all types are valid refinements, ie. Cons(nat, list)]
    | i                  [polymorphic constant: any unused identifier is
                          inferred to be a member of the corresponding
                          polymorphic type]
    | not(r)             [negation; r must be a singleton]

As an example, we might specify the decrement function with the refinements:

let dec : nat -> nat |> /\(\/(0, 1) -> 0, 2 -> 1) = ?

As a polymorphic example, we might specify list map with the refinements:

let rec map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list |>
  (a1 -> b1) -> /\([] -> [], [a1] -> [b1], [a1; a1] -> [b1; b1]) = ?

Here, a1 and b1 are polymorphic constants automatically inferred to have types 'a and 'b respectively.