
Just playing around with cryptocurrencies

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Exchange client


To better understand cryptocurrencies exchange APIs. This project will connect to Bitfinex and Kraken APIs, get the order books for the pair ETH/BTC and list the orders needed to buy 10 BTC at the cheapest price.

How to run this project

If this is your first time, you'll need to accomplish three steps:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Configure your exchanges credentials
  3. Run the app

1. Clone the repo

It's just a standard GitHub repo, so you just need to

git clone git@github.com:jfresco/exchange-client.git

2. Configure your credentials

You'll need to set up your exchanges credentials. This project won't work if you forget to provide some of them.

Once you get your API key and secret from both Bitfinex and Kraken, just cp config.json.example config.json, edit your new config.json file, and put the credentials there. The file is ignored by .git in order to prevent accidentally pushing your credentials to a public repo. Please keep them secret.

3. Run the app

Don't forget to install the dependencies:

npm i

Then run the app:

npm start

If you want to see more debugging logs, run the app like this:

DEBUG=exchange:* npm start

Also, you can run the linter:

npm t

(eventually this will run some unit tests).


Open an issue or submit a pull request!
