
graylog support for winston based on gelf-pro (module for node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm i -S @restorando/winston-tcp-graylog winston

A graylog2 transport for winston based on the node-gelf-pro library. Support TCP and UPD protocol.


import winston from 'winston'
import WinstonTcpGraylog from '../src'

var options = {
  gelfPro: {
    adapterName: 'tcp',
    adapterOptions: {
      host: '',
      port: 12201

var wGraylog = new winston.transports.TcpGraylog(options)
var wConsole = new winston.transports.Console()

var logger = new winston.Logger({
  transports: [ wGraylog, wConsole ]

  .on('error', err => {
    // internal winston problems
    console.error('!error: ', err)
  .on('logging', (transport, level, msg, meta) => {
    // each winston transports
    console.info('!logging: ', transport.name, level, msg, meta)

  .on('error', err => {
    // internal WinstonTcpGraylog problems
    console.error('!wtg:error: ', err)
  .on('send', (msg, res) => {
    // only WinstonTcpGraylog "logging"
    console.info('!wtg:send: ', msg, res)
  .on('skip', warn => {
    // only WinstonTcpGraylog "skiping"
    console.warn('!wtg:skip: ', warn)

logger.info('123', { meta: 123, foo: 345, bar: 689 })
logger.warn('%j - %j - %s - %s', [1, 2, 3], { 1: 2 }, /123/, new Error('123'))
logger.error(`some formatted message \
  \n\t some: 123\
  \n\t foo: 123\
  \n\t bar: 345`)


  • name: Transport name
  • level: Level of messages this transport should log. (default: info)
  • silent: Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output. (default: false)
  • handleExceptions: Boolean flag, whenever to handle uncaught exceptions. (default: false)
  • humanReadableUnhandledException: Option to get more readable exceptions.
  • formatter: See winston-doc
  • gelfPro: See gelfPro-doc or my-jjv-schema
  • baseMsg: Object containing the default message fields.
  • levelMap: Object for extending the base levelMap


    name: 'tcpGraylog',
    silent: false,
    level: 'info',
    handleExceptions: false,
    humanReadableUnhandledException: false,
    formatter: v => v,
    baseMsg: {
        version: '1.1',    // GELF spec version
        appVersion: '...', // package.version || unknown version
        facility: '...',   // package.name || app-dir        
        host: '...'        // hostname -f || os.hostname()
    gelfPro: {
        adapterName: 'udp',
        adapterOptions: {
            protocol: 'udp4',
            host: '',
            port: 12201
    levelMap: {
      emergency: 0,
      emerg: 0,
      alert: 1,
      critical: 2,
      crit: 2,
      error: 3,
      err: 3,
      warning: 4,
      warn: 4,
      notice: 5,
      note: 5,
      information: 6,
      info: 6,
      log: 6,
      debug: 7


This is a fork from https://github.com/nskazki/winston-tcp-graylog and pretends to be actively mantained.

If you find a bug, create an issue. Pull requests are also welcomed.


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