KVR Officer

Are you having a hard time getting an appointment from KVR? Don't worry, KVR officer is here to help! You can create a cron job that periodically checks if there are any appointments on the website and if there is, it sends you a message using a Telegram bot.


Minimal configuration with a .env file based on .env.template is required to link the Telegram bot to the running kvr-officer.

APPOINTMENT_TYPE=CASETYPES[Niederlassungserlaubnis Blaue Karte EU - Beratung/ Antragstellung]

Telegram Token

A telegram token is created when defining a /newbot by messaging the @BotFather.

User Chat ID

The desired USER_CHAT_ID can be found by messaging the newly created bot and querying its activity.


Appointment Type

Type of appointment based on name of CASETYPES of `.

Appointment Quantity

(Optional) quantity of appointments. Defaults to 1.