
A lightweight MVC framework inspired by Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby


Monorail is a lightweight MVC framework inspired by Rails.


Monorail provides you with session cookies, a base controller, ERB views, and a router to direct HTTP requests.

After starting a server, you'll be able to create routes and controllers to field your HTTP requests. Controllers will use their inherited base controller functionality to field your requests and construct a response according to your views, and the response will be returned to your browser!

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo and use cd to navigate to it
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Follow the instructions below to add Controllers, Routes, and Views.
  4. Start a server by running ruby bin/server.rb

Adding Controllers

Controllers should be added to app/controllers and must inherit from lib/controller_base.rb

# app/controllers/my_controller.rb
require '../../lib/controller_base'

class MyController < ControllerBase
  # ...

Constructing Routes

Require your controllers at the top of config/routes.rb.

require_relative ('../app/controllers/posts_controller.rb')

Construct routes by passing a regex, controller name, and action symbol to Router.draw

# config/routes.rb

MyRouter.draw do
  get Regexp.new("^/posts$"), PostsController, :index
  get Regexp.new("^/posts/new$"), PostsController, :new
  post Regexp.new("^/posts$"), PostsController, :create
  get Regexp.new("^/posts/(?<id>\\d+)$"), PostsController, :show
  get Regexp.new("^/posts/(?<id>\\d+)/edit$"), PostsController, :edit
  patch Regexp.new("^/posts/(?<id>\\d+)$"), PostsController, :update
  delete Regexp.new("^/posts/(?<id>\\d+)$"), PostsController, :destroy

Creating ERB views

Add ERB views to app/views/.

NB: You must name your views as <resource_name>_controller/<template_name>.html.erb for them to be recognized by your controllers.

<!-- app/views/posts_controller/index.html.erb -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1>All Posts</h1>
    <!-- ... -->


  • Ruby
  • Rack
  • ERB
  • JSON