Partnership Engineering Integration Testing Framework

The purpose of this framework is to test different Artifactory configurations deployed by various Partnership Engineering solutions. It can be used in the CI-CD process and in a single manual test run. NOTE: the test purpose is to test if deployment was correct and JFrog Deployment functioning as expected. The test will delete all existing repositories and create a list of new repos. Do not run on live instance.

Test suites include Artifactory Pro, JCR and Xray tests as well as some Data analytics tests.

How to run it locally

Clone the repo. Open the file /src/test/resources/testenv.yaml and fill it with your environment values. Mandatory fields:

external_ip - load balancer or Artifactory node IP address

rt_username - Artifactory username (admin by default)

rt_password - Artifactory password (password by default)

url fields is used in Docker tests only and must be a valid DNS name

Run Gradle wrapper to invoke Gradle task:

./gradlew <task_name>

Test project can use environment variables to substitute values in testenv.yaml file. Check src/test/groovy/tests/TestSetup.groovy to see which variables are available.

Run as a docker container

Build the image or pull the image Run the container with a set of environment variables:

docker run -it -e RT_URL=<your_artifactory_uri> -e RT_PROTOCOL=<http:// or https://> -e RT_USERNAME=<username> -e NEW_RT_PASSWORD=<password> <task_name>

NOTE: if default password needs to be changed on the new instance, set NEW_RT_PASSWORD variable. If you already changed the password manually, please use NEW_RT_PASSWORD variable to set the password. New password should meet security requirements.
If the variable set, the password will be changed during a common test group run.

Tasks for Artifactory platform testing


Docker tests require SSL setup which is not always needed or available. For this reason they are moved to the separate tasks. unified_test task runs Artifactory Pro and Xray tests.


  • Deployed Artifactory Pro or JCR instance
  • Xray installed for unified_test
  • SSL setup for artifactory_ha_docker_test and artifactory_jcr_docker_test

Tasks for Data analytics integration testing


Data analytics tests generate load on the Artifactory instance, then use data analytics platforms APIs to get the charts data and compare with expected result.


  • Deployed Artifactory Pro + Xray instance
  • Deployed and connected Log Analytics platforms - Splunk with JFrog app, Datadog or Prometheus

Adding new tests

We use Groovy and REST-Assured in our tests. TestNG is being used as a test management tool. New tests could be added in /src/test/groovy/tests All tests should use steps, which is a collection of Artifactory or Xray API calls. Each new test class should be added to testing.xml file and should be assigned to at least one group - groups=["common","jcr","pro","docker"]

Gradle cleanup. Delete the folder:

 ./gradlew clean