DEPRECATED: Use @auth0/cose.
RFC9052/RFC9053 COSE library for node.js.
Note: this is an early project.
This library is designed to work in node.js as well in the browser but is not yet tested in the browser context.
npm i --save cose-kit
You can run the following examples with node examples/Mac0.mjs
- Sign1: COSE Single Signer Data Object
- Sign: COSE Signed Data Object
- Mac0: COSE Mac w/o Recipients Object
- Encrypt0: COSE Single Recipient Encrypted Data Object
- Encrypt: COSE_Encrypt with direct encryption
- COSEKey: COSEKey usage
- panva/jose A node.js library for JOSE.
MIT License 2023 - José F. Romaniello