
AngularJS markdown directive using Showdown.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bower Component for a simple AngularJS Markdown directive using Showdown. Based on this excellent tutorial by @johnlinquist.


  1. bower install angular-markdown-directive
  2. Made sure the showdown lib is loaded. It should be installed as a dependency at components/showdown/compressed/showdown.js.
  3. Include the markdown.js script provided by this component into your app.
  4. Add btford.markdown as a module dependency to your app similiar to this angular.module('myApp', ['btford.markdown', ...])
  5. Insert the btf-markdown directive into your template:
     #Markdown directive   
     *It works!*  

You can also bind the markdown input to a scope variable:

<div btf-markdown="markdown"> 
<!-- Uses $scope.markdown -->
