
Proof-of-concept minesweeper built with Angular.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

poc-angular-minesweeper Build Status Built with Grunt


This repository contains a proof-of-concept front-end project for the classic minesweeper game. Functinal, but WIP (lacks real tests, or usage docs).

Technologies applied

  • [AngularJS]1
  • [Require]2
  • [GruntJS]3
  • [Yeoman]4
  • [Angular Generator]5
  • [Bootstrap]6
  • [SASS]7
  • [Coffeescript]8
  • [Bower]9
  • [Travis]10

Getting Started

This website requires Node/NPM ~0.10.15, and Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used [Node]11 or [NPM]12 before, be sure to check out the linked documentation.

If you haven't used [grunt]3 before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]13 guide.

If you haven't used [bower]9 before, be sure to [install]14 it.


To install all node based dependencies, run:

npm install
bower install


Copyright (c) 2014 JFMK, LLC. Released under MIT License.


  1. http://angularjs.org/

  2. http://requirejs.org/

  3. http://gruntjs.com/ 2

  4. http://yeoman.io/

  5. https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular

  6. http://angularjs.org/

  7. http://sass-lang.com/

  8. http://coffeescript.org/

  9. http://bower.io/ 2

  10. https://travis-ci.org/

  11. http://nodejs.org

  12. https://npmjs.org/

  13. http://gruntjs.com/

  14. http://bower.io/#installing-bower