
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Status


git clone https://github.com/jfschaefer/spotterbase
cd spotterbase
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .

You can run the unittests to see if everything has worked:

python3 -m spotterbase.test

Spotters and importers

While this repository contains some spotters and importers, most of them are located at https://github.com/jfschaefer/spotters.

Example commands

Tip: Every command has a --help option.

Note that documents and corpora are identified by their URI. If you want to use a different corpus, e.g. arXMLiv, you can download it and specify its location via the options, e.g.

python -m spotterbase.preprocessing.html_tokenize --document=http://sigmathling.kwarc.info/arxmliv/2020/0704.1635 --output='out.html' --arxmliv-2020-path=/drive/arxivnlp/dataset-arxmliv-2020

Running the POS Tag spotter

This requires installing nltk (python3 -m pip install nltk) and its part-of-speech data (python3 -c 'import nltk; nltk.download("universal_tagset")').

python3 -m spotterbase.spotters.example_spotters.simple_pos_tag_spotter --document=http://sigmathling.kwarc.info/spotterbase/test-corpus/paperA --dir=pos_tag_results

Document pre-processing

python3 -m spotterbase.preprocessing.html_tokenize --document=http://sigmathling.kwarc.info/spotterbase/test-corpus/paperA --output='tokenized.html'
python3 -m spotterbase.preprocessing.document_to_json --document=http://sigmathling.kwarc.info/spotterbase/test-corpus/paperA --output='tokenized.json'

Annotations to JSON-LD

Requires an (uncompressed) file of RDF annotations. For example, after running the POS tagger, we can extract the results with

gunzip pos_tag_results/spostag.nt.gz

and then run

python3 -m spotterbase.records.rdf_to_jsonld --file=pos_tag_results/spostag.nt --output=spostag.jsonld

Note: By default, rdflib is used. This gets very slow for larger graphs. You can specify a different endpoint, e.g.

python3 -m spotterbase.records.rdf_to_jsonld --file=pos_tag_results/spostag.nt --output=spostag.jsonld --work-sparql-endpoint 'Virtuoso()'

if you have Virtuoso installed and running locally.

Other commands

Use --help to learn about the command line arguments

  • spotterbase.corpora.arxiv_metadata_rdf_gen to generate arxiv metadata annotations.
  • spotterbase.corpora.arxmliv_metadata_rdf_gen to generate metadata annotations for an arXMLiv corpus (links to arXiv metadata).
  • spotterbase.corpora.write_document_to_file to write document to a file (useful, e.g., if the corpus is a compressed arxiv).
  • spotterbase.corpora.resolver lists locally available corpora.
  • spotterbase.spotters.example_spotters.simple_declaration_spotter a spotter for declarations.
  • spotterbase.spotters.example_spotters.simple_substring_spotter spotters that check if the HTML sources contain a substring (useful to pre-select interesting documents).


Currently, the documentation is not hosted anyway. You can generate it with

cd doc
make html

and then open doc/build/html/index.html in your browser. This will probably require you to install a few more packages with pip.