
small bot with native language query interface

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

nlq_abot Build Status Coverage Status

database free query bot.

This project contains

  1. the nlq bot.
  2. two testmodels ( testmodel , testmodel2 )
  3. functionality to generate files required by wosap_app for arbitrary models.
npm install

gulp test


node smartbot.js

This will attempt to connect to mongodatabase testdb on the default port

Generating model files

each model consists of two schema files and the data file xxxx.model.doc.json xxxx.model.mongooseschema.json xxxx.model.data.json

The following additional files are generated from this data via

set NQL_ABOT_MODELPATH=...\testmodel 
npm run preparemodels

node --max-old-space-size=14000 preparemodel


In an actual setup or test run, the following environment variables must be supplied:

  • DATABASE_URL must point to a postgresSQL Database (user management, recording) default to: var pglocalurl = "postgres://xx:pwpwpwp@localhost:5432/abot";

  • SET ABOT_DBNOSSL=true to not use SSL when connecting to Database URL

  • var envModelPath = process.env["ABOT_MODELPATH"] || "node_modules/mgnlq_testmodel/testmodel"; (mgnlq_model)

Test execution

to record test data, set MGNLQ_TESTMODEL_REPLAY=RECORD

running the bot / picking a db

the bot runs against "testmodel" per default,

to change this one must either remove the cache in smbmodel_cache.js.zp and/or set

 SET NLQ_ABOT_MODELPATH=c:\.....\model`
 SET NLQ_ABOT_MODELPATH=c:/...../model`

(No trailing slash)

model cache

SET NLQ_ABOT_NO_FILECACHE=true or manually delete the _cache.zip file to adjust to model changes. the cache is recreated on the first run.

whats new

  • proper ordering for "numberic" columns

list all sender with gründungsjahr smaller than 1972

discriminate (less than number from ) (cat less than numberic)

introduce comparison operators

smaller than, larger than

date columns before after

Query behaviour on specific data aspects

The model now supports

  1. multivalued members,
  2. non-stringy members

undefined or empty

The following are treated equivalently:

{}  // property not prest
{ categoryA : undefined }
{ categoryA: null} 
{ categoryA: [] }  // for multivalues

Multivalued members

Multivalued members come in two flavours, simple multivalued and tuple

simple multivalued members vs tuple

  category0 : "Akey",
  categoryA : ["Val1","Val2"],
  categoryB : [1,2]

tupled member:

  category0 : "Akey",
  _category : [{ catA1 : "val1", catA2 : 1, catA3 :["AB","CD"]},
               { catA1 : "val2", catA2 : 2},
  categoryB : [1,2]

list all category0 where CatA1 val1 and catA2 2;

list all category0, catA3 where CatA3 CD;

This will not find Akey.

Behaviour on result processing:

There are basically 3 options when

  category0 : "Akey",
  categoryA : ["Val1","Val2"],
  categoryB : [1,2]

list all category0, categoryA, categoryB

  1. Pick "first" representative value

    "AKey" and "Val1" and 1
  2. Flatten lists

    "AKey" and "Val1","Val2" and 1,2
  3. expand cross product

    "AKey" and "Val1" and 1
    "AKey" and "Val1" and 2
    "AKey" and "Val2" and 1
    "AKey" and "Val2" and 2

With tuples, additional combinations either losing or retaining the correlation can be envisioned, e.g.

"AKey" and "Val1" and 1 and "AB" and 1
"AKey" and "Val1" and 1 and "CD" and 1
"AKey" and "Val1" and 1 and "CD" and 2
"AKey" and "Val1" and 1 and "AB" and 2
"AKey" and "Val2" and 2 and undefined and 1
"AKey" and "Val2" and 2 and undefined and 2

Similar considerations can be made when generating the QBE table.

{ category : PickFirst|Flatten|Expand }

Should the filter be used to eliminate only whole records or member/tuples of the result?

List all AppKey, BusinessGroup with more than 3 BusinessGroup?
=> `Akey, ["A","B","C","D","E"]`

List all AppKey, BusinessGroup with more than 3 BusinessGroup and BusinessGroup A? 
=> `Akey, "A"`

At which phase.

Note ambiguities like.

on the input BusinessGroup : [ "GRPA_1", "GRPA_2", "GRP_B" ]

List all AppKey with more than 2 BusinessGroup starting with 'GRPA' (currently not supported) List all AppKey with more than 2 BusinessGroup and BusinessGroup starting with 'GRPA' List all AppKey with more than 2 BusinessGroup and BusinessGroup starting with 'GRPA'

complex (tupled multivalued members)

{ categoryA : undefined }   <=> { categoryA: null} <=> { categoryA: [] };

The model now supports

  1. multivalued members,
  2. non-stringy members

