
Tools and instructions for mocking an ONVIF compliant IP camera

Primary LanguageShell


This project consists of tools and instructions for mocking an ONVIF compliant IP camera and passing an RTSP stream through it.


Note: these steps only work on Linux and have only been tested on Ubuntu

Get the ONVIF server and WS-Discovery Service

The ONVIF server and WS-Discovery Service can either be copied over from a public container or built locally.

Option A: Copying from onvif_build container

Since the ONVIF server and wsdd builds are time consuming and prone to bugs, a container with the pre-built binaries is provided.

  1. Install docker and pull the container

    sudo docker pull ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/onvif-build:latest

    Note: for a mock camera that supports the ONVIF UpgradeSystemFirmware endpoint pull ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/onvif-build-fw-upgrade:latest

  2. Run the container

    sudo docker run -d --name onvif_build ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/onvif-build:latest

    Ensure the container is running with docker ps -a | grep onvif_build

  3. Copy over the ONVIF server binary to the desired directory (i.e. current working directory):

    sudo docker cp onvif_build:/onvif_srvd/ ./
  4. Copy over the wsdd binary to your home directory

    sudo docker cp onvif_build:/wsdd/ ./
  5. Remove the docker container

    sudo docker rm onvif_build
    sudo docker rmi ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/onvif-build

Option B: Building

Build the ONVIF server using onvif_srvd
  1. Install dependencies

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install flex bison byacc make m4 autoconf unzip \
        git g++ wget -y
  2. Clone and build the ONVIF server

    Note a fork is being used to resolve issues getting the gsoap package

    git clone https://github.com/kate-goldenring/onvif_srvd.git 
    cd onvif_srvd
    git checkout gsoap-2.8.117
    make release
Build the wsdd WS-Discovery Service
  1. Clone and build the WS-Discovery service

    Note a fork is being used to resolve issues getting the gsoap package

    git clone https://github.com/kate-goldenring/wsdd.git 
    cd wsdd
    git checkout gsoap-2.8.117 
    make release

Option C: Building with lxd (coming soon)

Start the ONVIF and Discovery services

  1. Run ifconfig or ipconfig to determine your network interface. Then, pass your interface (such as eno1,eth0, eth1, etc) to the script. The following assumes eth0.

  2. Run the start script specifying the network interface and optionally the resources directory and firmware version of the camera.

    The script uses the following arguments and defaults:

    • arg1: (mandatory) the network interface
    • arg2: (defaults to $PWD) the directory of the onvif_srvd, wsdd, and (if local) rtsp_feed.py program
    • arg3: (defaults to 1.0) the "mock" firmware version of the camera.
    ./onvif-camera-mocking/scripts/start-onvif-camera.sh eth0

    Or if you'd rather

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kate-goldenring/onvif-camera-mocking/main/scripts/start-onvif-camera.sh > ./start-onvif-camera.sh
    chmod +x ./start-onvif-camera.sh
    ./start-onvif-camera.sh eth0

Ensure that the ONVIF camera service is running and discoverable

Use one of the tools recommended by onvif_srvd for testing the ONVIF service. If you have the ONVIF Device Manager installed on a Windows host on the same network as your newly mocked camera, simply open it and confirm that a new camera called "TestDev" exists.

Alternatively, the following are instructions for using a Rust tool ONVIF-rs:

  1. Install rust

  2. Clone and run onvif-rs

    git clone https://github.com/lumeohq/onvif-rs.git
    cd onvif-rs
    cargo run --example discovery

    Note: Reference project's README for troubleshooting if you encounter openssl issues.

    You should see a camera discovered with the same IP address as the machine running the ONVIF server.

Pass an rstp feed through the "camera" (ONVIF service)

Now that we have a camera connected to the network, lets pass some footage through it. This step can be be run as a container or locally.

Option A: Run as a container

  1. Install docker and pull the container
    sudo docker pull ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/rtsp_feed:latest
  2. Run the container in the background using the host's network
    sudo docker run -d --network host --name rtsp_feed ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/rtsp_feed:latest
  3. If using the ONVIF Device Manager, you should now see a stream coming from the camera of a vertical bar moving horizontally.

Option B: Run locally

  1. Install goobject instrospection libraries (not needed for Ubuntu 18.04)

    sudo apt-get install python3-gi
  2. Install gstreamer

    sudo apt-get install gstreamer-1.0
  3. Install gstreamer RTSP server

    sudo apt-get install libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-rtsp 
  4. Install the gstreamer plugins needed for x264enc of the stream

    sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
  5. Run the Python program that uses videotestsrc to pass a fake stream through the camera of a vertical bar moving horizonally. The implementation was modified from this StackOverflow discussion.

    sudo ./rtsp-feed.py 

    Optionally, configure the color of the feed by passing a color in decimal format as an argument, such as the following for blue.

    sudo ./rtsp-feed.py 3093194


  1. Terminate the ONVIF and Discovery services
    Or if you'd rather
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kate-goldenring/onvif-camera-mocking/main/scripts/stop-onvif-camera.sh > ./stop-onvif-camera.sh
    chmod +x ./stop-onvif-camera.sh
  2. Stop your locally running python program or stop and delete your container:
    sudo docker stop rtsp_feed
    sudo docker rm rtsp_feed
    sudo docker rmi ghcr.io/kate-goldenring/rtsp_feed