
AFFAlertView is customizable iOS 6+ UIAlertView alternative that supports subclassing. The default alert view style is based on the iOS 7 UIAlertView.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


AFFAlertView is a customizable alert view built for iOS. It is compatible with iOS 6+ so older devices can benefit from the iOS 7 UIAlertView look and feel. AFFAlertView comes with a list of modifiable properties which can give the alert view a custom style. It also supports subclassing so customization is even more abundant.

##Purpose The main purpose of this software is to provide developers with a customizable version of UIAlertView. It has similar functionality to UIAlertView and supports subclassing. The secondary purpose of this software is to provide iOS 6 developers an iOS 7 styled UIAlertView alternative.


  1. Install via CocoaPods Add the following line to your .podfile

    pod 'AFFAlertView'
  2. Use and enjoy!

##Support ####IOS Earliest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 6.0.
Latest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 7.1.

##ARC Compatibility AFFAlertView is built from ARC and is ARC compatible.

##Usage ####AFFAlertView initialization AFFAlertView can be used identically to UIAlert view.

AFFAlertView *alertView = [[AFFAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title here"
                                                message:@"Message here"
                                                buttonTitles:@[@"Cancel”, @“Okay"]];

The AFFAlertView instance may optionally be provided with a delegate.

alertView.delegate = self;

Showing in the AFFAlertView instance is identical to a UIAlertView.

[alertView show];

AFFAlertView also has an option to manually dismiss the alert view.

[alertView dismiss];

####AFFAlertView delegate AFFAlertViewDelegate is a fully optional protocol that provides useful functionality for alert dismissal clicks and basic UI interactions.

/** Called before showing the alert view. This is used to override the default alert view size within constraints such as keyboard size and orientation. */
- (CGSize)alertViewPreferredSize:(AFFAlertView *)alertView;

/** Called when an alert view button has been selected. */
- (void)alertView:(AFFAlertView *)alertView didDismissWithButton:(AFFAlertViewButtonModel *)buttonModel;

/** Called when the alert view will open. */
- (void)alertViewWillShow:(AFFAlertView *)alertView;

/** Called when the alert view has opened. */
- (void)alertViewDidShow:(AFFAlertView *)alertView;

/** Called when the alert view will close. */
- (void)alertViewWillDismss:(AFFAlertView *)alertView;

/** Called when the alert view has closed. */
- (void)alertViewDidDismss:(AFFAlertView *)alertView;