
JFDeviceComparison is a UIDevice category which is used to compare device versions.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


JFDeviceComparison is a UIDevice category which is used to compare device versions. It uses the system machine information to determine and compare against device types.

##Purpose The main purpose of this software is to provide developers with a simple way compare device versions.

##Installation Install via CocoaPods Add the following line to your .podfile

pod 'JFDeviceComparison'

##Support ####IOS Earliest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 7.0.
Latest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 9.3.

##ARC Compatibility JFDeviceComparison is built from ARC and is ARC-only compatible.

##Usage ####Compare against current device

[UIDevice isCurrentDeviceGreaterOrEqualToVersion:kUIDeviceVersion_iPhone3GS];

####Compare against a specified device

[UIDevice isDeviceGreaterOrEqualToVersion:kUIDeviceVersion_iPhone3GS deviceName:kUIDeviceVersion_iPhone6];