
An exploration of JSONPath parsing and evaluation in Rust with Python bindings in mind.

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Rust JSONPath RFC 9535

An exploration of JSONPath parsing and evaluation in Rust with Python bindings in mind.

  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535 is a hand-crafted lexer and parser for JSONPath producing a JSON implementation agnostic abstract syntax tree, following the JSONPath model described in RFC 9535.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_pest is a pest-based JSONPath parser, producing a similar AST to the hand-crafted parser.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_pest_recursive is the pest parser producing an AST structured with recursive segments rather than a vector of segments. This structure is inspired by the stalled jsonpath-reference-implementation.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_serde implements JSONPath evaluation using Serde JSON, based on the pest parser.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_iter is an experimental lazily evaluated implementation of JSONPath.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_locations is not lazily evaluated, but uses persistent linked lists to build node locations. It outperforms the naive Serde JSON and iterator-based implementations both in execution speed and memory usage, and "feels" much cleaner than the iterator implementation.
  • crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_singular is a "fork" of crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_locations with a non-standard singular query selector.

Hand-crafted parser

Standard queries

To parse a JSONPath expression that is limited to standard function extensions, use Query::standard.

use jsonpath_rfc9535::{errors::JSONPathError, Query};

fn main() -> Result<(), JSONPathError> {
    let q = Query::standard("$..foo[0]")?;
    println!("{:#?}", q);

Debug output from the example above shows this syntax tree:

Query {
    segments: [
        Recursive {
            span: (
            selectors: [
                Name {
                    span: (
                    name: "foo",
        Child {
            span: (
            selectors: [
                Index {
                    span: (
                    index: 0,

Function extensions

Register function extensions with a new Parser by calling Parser::add_function, then use Parser::parse to create a new Query.

use jsonpath_rfc9535::{errors::JSONPathError, ExpressionType, Parser};

fn main() -> Result<(), JSONPathError> {
    let mut parser = Parser::new();

        vec![ExpressionType::Value, ExpressionType::Nodes],

    let q = parser.parse("$.some[?foo('7', @.thing)][1, 4]")?;

    println!("{:?}", q);

Note that a Query is displayed in its canonical form when printed.

$['some'][?foo("7", @['thing'])][1, 4]

Without registering a signature for foo, we would get a JSONPathError with kind set to JSONPathErrorType::NameError.

Error: JSONPathError { kind: NameError, msg: "unknown function `foo`", span: (8, 11) }

Pest-based parser


Recursive pest-based parser

crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_pest_recursive is the pest parser producing an AST structured with recursive segments rather than a vector of segments.

use jsonpath_rfc9535_pest_recursive::JSONPathParser;

fn main() {
    let p = JSONPathParser::new();
    let q = "$..foo[0]";
    match p.parse(q) {
        Err(err) => print!("{}", err.msg),
        Ok(query) => {
            println!("{:#?}", query);
Query {
    ast: Child {
        left: Recursive {
            left: Root,
            selectors: [
                Name {
                    name: "foo",
        selectors: [
            Index {
                index: 0,

Performance Notes

Without attempting to optimize the grammar, the pest-based parser benchmarks at 164,385 ns/iter, vs 74,718 ns/iter for the hand-crafted parser, and it is marginally faster to produce an AST with recursive segments rather than a vector of segments.

When benchmarking JPQ with the pest parser, this translates to a slowdown of between 0.03 and 0.04 seconds (409 queries repeated 100 times) during the compile phase. This seems like a good tradeoff.

Benchmarking crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_serde on lots of small queries with small data on an M2 Mac Mini we get the following results:

test tests::bench_compile_and_find        ... bench:     789,637 ns/iter (+/- 33,289)
test tests::bench_compile_and_find_values ... bench:     793,870 ns/iter (+/- 5,057)
test tests::bench_just_compile            ... bench:     526,270 ns/iter (+/- 2,064)
test tests::bench_just_find               ... bench:     243,718 ns/iter (+/- 1,709)
test tests::bench_just_find_loop          ... bench:     235,477 ns/iter (+/- 1,893)

Which shows a 2x performance improvement using Serde JSON over JPQ.

The last two lines show an insignificant difference in performance between code that uses explicit for loops and vectors to collect nodes vs extensive use of iterator adapters and collect().

Benchmarking crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_locations on lots of small queries with small data on an M2 Mac Mini we get the following results:

test tests::bench_compile_and_find        ... bench:     761,966 ns/iter (+/- 3,041)
test tests::bench_compile_and_find_values ... bench:     759,604 ns/iter (+/- 47,015)
test tests::bench_just_compile            ... bench:     561,550 ns/iter (+/- 4,355)
test tests::bench_just_find               ... bench:     217,069 ns/iter (+/- 4,714)

crates/jsonpath_rfc9535_locations is faster and more memory efficient when data gets bigger.

Peak memory consumption

Dataset: small-citylots.json (32MB)
Query: $['features']..['properties']

Impl Peak RAM Diff
Just serde JSON 179MB
Naive serde JSON 376MB +197MB
Iter (just values) serde JSON 247MB +68MB
Iter (Rc<Node>) serde JSON 251MB +72MB
Nodes with persistent locations 182MB +3MB
hiltontj 186MB +7MB



We're using a Rust workspace with crates/jsonpath_rfc9535 being the default workspace member. Use the -p or --package option when using cargo to select a different crate.

Run tests with cargo.

$ cargo test

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$ cargo clippy

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$ cargo build

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$ cargo llvm-cov

Or, write an HTML report to target/llvm-cov/html:

$ cargo llvm-cov --html