
Next JS AI tool layout with RSC + client components to build AI tool layouts fast

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next JS AI template

Main Dashboard


Billing page

Billing page

Use different themes from Shadcn - UI


Login page

intro gif


  1. Next JS layout for AI tools
  2. Sample Image generator AI tool scaffold
  3. Skeleton page for Billing and Support
  4. Uses Shadcn UI, with changeable themes
  5. Has Google and Github login OAuth

Quick start usage

cp sample.env.local .env.local
pnpm i
pnpm run dev

For more extensive installation guide check Next JS 14 starter template


  1. Building scaffolding for dashboard is essential for AI tools but boring.
  2. I wanted a high quality plug and play, modular next js layout
  3. Reusable layout which I can swap to use in any AI app

Note: I am available for building AI MVP's with Next JS, shadcn, tailwind, Open AI, Claude - 3.

Reach out to me on X or LinkedIn

Update Sidebar

  1. Edit config/sidebar.ts to change the values for sidebar navigational items.
  2. Edit config/siteConfig.ts to update the website title

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14 App Directory
  • Written in Typescript
  • High quality SaaS dashboard Next JS layout
  • AI Image Generator tool sample
  • NextAuth 4
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Magic link login with Resend
  • Google fonts
  • Icons from Lucide
  • Dark mode with next-themes
  • Tailwind CSS class sorting, merging and linting.


You can raise an issue or reach out to me on X or LinkedIn for sharing feedback.

Happy to add features which you require!


  1. Add annual plan for pricing - Prasanna
  2. Menu items, paragraphs need to bit more clean/readable, like an IBM Sans, Open Sans - Mattia
  3. Three AI tools layout
    1. Add responsive support
  4. Add dark mode compatibility


Licensed under the MIT license.