
👋 A place for students to share about themselves and connect

MIT LicenseMIT

Langara CS - Students

Langara CS Discord

This repository is a central place for computer science students at Langara to get to know each other on the web.

If you haven't already, make sure you join our Discord server to collaborate with your fellow students!

Add Yourself

Please add yourself to the list! Let us know where to find you on the web, what you're interested in, or working on. Feel free to share anything about yourself that you'd like.

All we ask is that you keep things in alphabetical order by last name.

Add yourself to the list!


  • Anthony Morris - Software engineer turned computer science student

  • Jet Simon - Guy who does stuff and makes things

    • Socials: Twitter
    • Interests: Making rock music, making chiptune music, Pixel Art, 3D Modelling, Programming, Game Dev, Cooking
    • Working On: Figuring out how school works!
    • Looking For: Collaboration on smaller projects or a simple game. What he said!