
WordPress plugin providing integration with Google Spreadsheets, Google Query Language, Google Charts API, and jQuery DataTables.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: meitar
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=TJLPJYXHSRBEE&lc=US&item_name=Inline%20Google%20Spreadsheet%20Viewer&item_number=Inline%20Google%20Spreadsheet%20Viewer&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted
Tags: Google Docs, Google, Spreadsheet, Google Apps Script, Web Apps, shortcode, Chart, data, visualization, infographics, embed, live preview, infoviz, tables, datatables, csv
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: 0.9.16
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Embeds public Google Spreadsheets, Apps Scripts, or CSV files in WordPress posts or pages as HTML tables or interactive charts, and more.

== Description ==

Easily turn data stored in a [Google Spreadsheet](https://sheets.google.com/), [CSV file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values), [MySQL database](https://mysql.com/), or the output of a [Google Apps Script](https://www.google.com/script/start/) into a beautiful interactive chart or graph, a sortable and searchable table, or both. Embed live previews of PDF, XLS, DOC, and other file formats supported by the [Google Docs Viewer](https://docs.google.com/viewer). A built-in cache provides extra speed.

* Update your blog post or page whenever a Google Spreadsheet or CSV file changes.
* Create beautiful interactive graphs and charts from your Google Spreadsheet or CSV files with ease.
* Customize the table's or chart's look and feel using a powerful and flexible query language and a plethora of configuration options.
* Use data from a variety of different sources: Google Spreadsheets, Google Apps Scripts, CSV files, your WordPress database, or a remote MySQL database.
* Embed almost any online document to view without leaving your blog.

*Donations for this plugin make up a chunk of my income. If you continue to enjoy this plugin, please consider [making a donation](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=TJLPJYXHSRBEE&lc=US&item_name=Inline%20Google%20Spreadsheet%20Viewer&item_number=Inline%20Google%20Spreadsheet%20Viewer&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted). :) Thank you for your support!*

= Quick start =

Paste the URL of your public [Google Spreadsheet](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/37579?hl=en) or [Google Apps Script Web App](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web) on its own line in your WordPress post or page, then save your post. That's it. :) Your data will appear in a sorted, searchable HTML table. Web App output will be displayed using the HTML defined by the Web App. See the [screenshots](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/screenshots/) for an example.

If using a Google Spreadsheet, the spreadsheet must be shared using either the "Public on the web" or "Anyone with the link" options [(learn how to share your spreadsheet)](https://support.google.com/drive/?p=visibility_options&hl=en_US). Currently, private Google Spreadsheets or Spreadsheets shared with "Specific people" are not supported. Web Apps must be deployed with the "Anyone, even anonymous" [access permissions](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web#permissions). CSV files must be available to the public, without the need to log in to the site where they're hosted.

= User guide =

You can transform your spreadsheet into an interactive chart or graph, embed documents other than spreadsheets, and customize the HTML of your table using a `[gdoc key=""]` [WordPress shortcode](https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode). The only required parameter is `key`, which specifies the document you'd like to retrieve. All additional attributes are optional.

**Google Spreadsheets**

After saving the appropriate Sharing setting, copy the URL you use to view the Google Spreadsheet from your browser's address bar into the shortcode. For example, to display the spreadsheet at `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ABCDEFG/edit#gid=123456`, use the following shortcode in your WordPress post or page:

    [gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ABCDEFG/edit#gid=123456"]

If your spreadsheet uses the "old" Google Spreadsheets, you need to [ensure that your spreadsheet is "Published to the Web"](https://docs.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47134) and you need to copy only the "key" out of the URL. For instance, if the URL of your old Google Spreadsheet is `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/pub?key=ABCDEFG`, then your shortcode should look like this:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG"]

Use the `gid` attribute to fetch data from a worksheet other than the first one (the one on the far left). For example, to display a worksheet published at `https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=ABCDEFG&gid=4`, use the following shortcode in your WordPress post or page:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" gid="4"]

**CSV files**

Using a CSV file works the same way as Google Spreadsheets. Set the `key` to the URL of the file to display it as an HTML table:

    [gdoc key="http://example.com/research_data.csv"]

**HTML Tables**

Customizing the HTML tables that are produced is easy. For instance, to supply the table's `title`, `summary`, `<caption>`, and a customized `class` value, you can do the following:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" class="my-sheet" title="Tooltip text displayed on hover" summary="An example spreadsheet, with a summary."]This is the table's caption.[/gdoc]

The above shortcode will produce HTML that looks something like the following:

    <table id="igsv-ABCDEFG" class="igsv-table my-sheet" title="Tooltip text displayed on hover" summary="An example spreadsheet, with a summary.">
        <caption>This is the table's caption.</caption>
        <!-- ...rest of table code using spreadsheet data here... -->

By default, all tables are progressively enhanced with jQuery [DataTables](https://datatables.net/) to provide sorting, searching, and pagination functions on the table display itself. If you'd like a specific table not to include this functionality, use the `no-datatables` `class` in your shortcode. For instance:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" class="no-datatables"]

Web addresses and email addresses in your data are turned into links. If this causes problems, you can disable this behavior by specifying `no` to the `linkify` attribute in your shortcode. For instance:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" linkify="no"]

Each table can be customized per-table, using shortcode attributes, or globally for your entire site, using the plugin's settings screen. You can freeze the table header, columns, control pagination length, and more. Refer to the [Other Notes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/other_notes/) section for a full listing of supported customization attributes.


Data from Google Spreadsheets or CSV files can be graphed in interactive charts. To visualize your data as a chart, add the `chart` attribute to your shortcode and supply a supported chart type. You can make:

* `Area` charts
* `Bar` charts
* `Bubble` charts
* `Candlestick` charts
* `Column` charts
* `Combo` charts
* `Gauge` charts
* `Histogram` charts
* `Line` charts
* `Pie` charts
* `Scatter` charts
* `Stepped` area charts

For example, if you have data for a sports league that records the goals each team has scored (where the first column is the team name and the second column is their total goals), you can create a bar chart, with an optional title, from that data using a shortcode like this:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" chart="Bar" title="Total goals per team"]

You can customize your chart with a number of options, such as colors. For example, to create a 3D red and green pie chart whose slices are labelled with your data's values:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" chart="Pie" chart_colors="red green" chart_dimensions="3" chart_pie_slice_text="value"]

**Pre-processing data with Google Queries**

You can pre-process your Google Spreadsheets or CSV files before retrieving data from them by passing a [Google Charts API Query Language](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#Language_Syntax) query to the shortcode's `query` attribute. This lets you interact with the data in your Google Spreadsheet or CSV file as though it were a relational database table. For instance, if you wish to display the team that scored the most goals on your website, you might use a shortcode like this to query your Google Spreadsheet and display the highest-scoring team, where the team name is the first column (column `A`) and that team's score is the second column (column `B`):

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" query="select A where max(B)"]

Queries are also useful if your spreadsheet contains complex data from which many different charts can be created, allowing you to select only the parts of your spreadsheet that you'd like to use to compose the interactive chart.

**Using a MySQL Database**

After an administrator enables the SQL queries option in the plugin's settings screen, privileged users can also retrieve data from the WordPress database by supplying the keyword `wordpress` to the `key` attribute of your shortcode along with a valid [MySQL `SELECT` statement](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/select.html). This can be useful for displaying information that other plugins save in your website's database or that WordPress itself maintains for you.

For example, to show a table of user registration dates from the current blog:

    [gdoc key="wordpress" query="SELECT display_name AS Name, user_registered AS 'Registration Date' FROM wp_users"]

Remote MySQL databases are also accessible by supplying a MySQL connection URL with valid access credentials. For example, to show the prices from an `inventory` database hosted by a MySQL server at `server.example.com` by logging in as `user` with the password `password` and querying for items that are in stock:

    [gdoc key="mysql://user:password@server.example.com/inventory" query="SELECT sku AS 'Item No.', product_name AS Product, price AS Price WHERE in_stock=TRUE"]

**Using Google Apps Script Web Apps**

You can also supply the URL endpoint of any Google Apps Script Web App to retrieve the output from that app and insert it directly into your WordPress post or page. This works exactly the same way as Google Spreadsheets do, so you can use this feature to display arbitrary data on your WordPress site.

For example, suppose you maintain a GMail account for fans of your podcast to write you questions, and you want to automatically display some information from these emails on your website. Using [GMail filters](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en) and [labels](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/118708?hl=en), you can access these emails through a [Google Apps Script](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/overview) that reads your email, counts the number of mail messages in your different labels, and returns that count as an HTML list fragment. [Deploy that Google Apps Script as a Web App](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web#deploying_a_script_as_a_web_app) and supply its URL to the `gdoc` shortcode:

    [gdoc key="https://script.google.com/macros/s/ABCDEFG/exec"]

Now your website is automatically updated whenever you receive a new question in email from your listeners.

**Embedding other documents**

You can also supply the URL of any file online to load a preview of that file on your blog. To do so, supply the file's URL as your `key`:

    [gdoc key="http://example.com/my_final_paper.pdf"]

To tweak the way your preview looks, you can use the `width`, `height`, or `style` attributes:

    [gdoc key="http://example.com/my_final_paper.pdf" style="min-height:780px;border:none;"]

== Installation ==

1. Upload the unzipped `inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. Use the `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG"]` shortcode wherever you'd like to insert the Google Spreadsheet.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Will my website be updated when my Google Spreadsheets change? =
Yes. Changes you make to your Google Spreadsheets will be shown on your website within a few minutes.

To improve your website's performance, Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer automatically caches spreadsheets for 10 minutes. If you are making many changes quickly and/or you don't want to wait for the cache to expire on its own, you can add the `use_cache="no"` attribute to your shortcode to disable the caching mechanism:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" use_cache="no"]

After you save and reload the page, you should see near-instant updates. Note that disabling the plugin's cache can result in decreased performance. Disabling the cache is recommended only for relatively small spreadsheets (less than 100 rows or so) or for debugging purposes.

= The default style is ugly. Can I change it? =
Yes, if you're able to change your theme's style sheet. The plugin renders HTML with plenty of [CSS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets) hooks. Use the `igsv-table` class from your style sheets to target the plugin's `<table>` element.

Additionally, each row (`<tr>`) and cell (`<td>`) is assigned a specific `class` attribute value. The first `<tr>` element is assigned the `row-1` class, the second is assigned `row-2`, and the last `row-N` where `N` is the number of rows in the rendered table. Similarly, each cell is assigned a class based on its columnar position; the first cell in a row is assigned the `col-1` class, the second `col-2`, and so on:

    .igsv-table .row-2 .col-5 { /* styles for the cell in the 2nd row, 5th column */ }

Finally, both rows and cells (based on columns) are assigned an additional class of either `odd` or `even`, allowing for easy zebra-striping in [CSS3](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/) non-conformant browsers.

    .igsv-table tr.odd  { /* styles for odd-numbered rows   (row 1, 3, 5...) */ }
    .igsv-table tr.even { /* styles for even-numbered rows  (row 2, 4, 6...) */ }
    .igsv-table td.odd  { /* styles for odd-numbered cells  (column 1, 3, 5...) */ }
    .igsv-table td.even { /* styles for even-numbered cells (column 2, 4, 6...) */ }

= A table appears, but it's not my spreadsheet's data! And it looks weird! =
If you're still using the "old" Google Spreadsheets, you should triple-check that you've published your spreadsheet. Google provides instructions for doing this. Be sure to follow steps 1 and 2 in [Google Spreadsheets Help: Publishing to the Web](http://docs.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47134). If you're using the "new" Google Spreadsheets, be sure you've selected either the ["Public on the web" or "Anyone with the link" Sharing options](https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2494886?p=visibility_options) for your Google Spreadsheet.

= A Google Login page appears where my Google Apps Script output should be. =
If a Google Login page appears instead of the output of your GAS Web App, double check that you've deployed your Web App with the "Anyone, even anonymous" access permission. [Learn more about GAS Web App permissions](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web#permissions).

= Nothing appears where my chart should be. =
The best way to determine what's wrong with a chart that isn't displaying properly is to try displaying the chart's data as a simple HTML table (by removing the `chart` attribute from your shortcode), and seeing what the tabular data source looks like.

Charts most likely fail to display because of a mismatch between the chart you are using and the format of your spreadsheet.

Each type of chart expects to retrieve data with a certain number of rows and/or columns. If your Google Spreadsheet is not already designed to create data for a chart, you might be able to use the `query` attribute to select only the rows and/or columns that the `chart` you're using expects. Otherwise, consider creating a new sheet with the proper formatting and setting it as the `key` in your shortcode.

To learn more about the correct spreadsheet formats for each chart type, please refer to [Google's Chart Gallery documentation](https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery) for the type of chart you are using.

= Can I remove certain columns from appearing on my webpage? =
If you're using the "new" Google Spreadsheets, you can strip out columns by `select`ing only those columns you wish to retrieve by passing a [Google Charts API Query Language](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#Language_Syntax) query to the shortcode's `query` attribute. For example, to retrieve and display only the first, second, and third columns in a spreadsheet, use a shortcode like this:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" query="select A, B, C"]

Alternatively, you can [hide columns using CSS](http://maymay.net/blog/projects/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/comment-page-2/#comment-294582) with code such as, `.col-4 { display: none; }`, for example.

= How do I change the default settings, like can I turn paging off? Can I change the page length? Can I change the sort order? =

All of [these DataTables options](https://datatables.net/reference/option/) are accessible through shortcode attributes. The shortcode attribute is an underscore-separated version of the DataTables's CamelCase'ed option name, prefixed with `datatables_`. For instance, to turn off paging, you need to set [the DataTables `paging` option](https://datatables.net/reference/option/paging) to `false`, so you would use a shortcode like this:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" datatables_paging="false"]

Similarly, to change how many rows appear per page, you need to use [the DataTables `pageLength` option](https://datatables.net/reference/option/pageLength), setting it to a number. Its default is `10`, so if you wanted to show 15 rows per page, you would use a shortcode like this:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" datatables_page_length="15"]

Some DataTables options need to be given JavaScript array literals, such as in the case of [the DataTables `order` option](https://datatables.net/reference/option/order), which controls the initial sort order for a table. However, using square brackets (`[` and `]`) inside a shortcode confuses the WordPress parser, so these characters must be URL-escaped (into `%5B` and `%5D`, respectively). Suppose you want your table to be sorted by the second column in descending order (instead of the first column in ascending order, which is the default). You need to supply a 2-dimensional array such as `[[ 1, "desc" ]]` to DataTable's `order` option (column counting begins at 0). In a shortcode, with the square brackets URL-escaped, this becomes:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" datatables_order='%5B%5B 2, "desc" %5D%5D']

Note that when a JSON string literal is supplied in a shortcode attribute (`"desc"`), it must be double-quoted, so the shortcode attribute value itself must be single-quoted.

Alternatively, if you're able to add JavaScript to your theme, you can do all of these things, and more because any and all DataTables-enhanced tables can be modified by using the DataTables API.

For instance, to disable paging, add a JavaScript to your theme that looks like this:

    jQuery(window).load(function () {

Or, to have your DataTables-enhanced table automatically sort itself by the second column in descending order:

    jQuery(window).load(function () {
        jQuery('#igsv-MY_TABLE_KEY').dataTable().api().order([1, 'desc']).draw();

(Replace `MY_TABLE_KEY` with the Google Spreadsheet document ID of your spreadsheet, of course.)

Please refer to the [DataTables API reference manual](https://datatables.net/reference/api) for more information about customizing DataTables-enhanced tables.

Another option for sorting your table, for example, is to use the `query` attribute and pass along an appropriate [Google Charts API Query Language query that includes an `order by` clause](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#Order_By). In this case, however, you may want to disable DataTables's client-side sorting, as the data will be sorted in the HTML source.

= How do I customize my chart? =
Using specific shortcode attributes, you can choose from a huge number of configurable options to customize the look and feel of your chart. The specific shortcode attributes available to you depend on the type of chart you chose. Refer to the [Google Chart API documentation](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery) to learn which configuration options are available for which type of charts.

Each configuration option is accessible through a shortcode of a similar name. For instance, the `colors` configuration option is accessible to you through the `chart_colors` attribute. It accepts a list of colors, which you supply to the shortcode in a similar way as you might provide a `class` value:

    [godc key="ABCDEFG" chart="Pie" chart_colors="red green"]

To create a 3D chart, specify `chart_dimensions="3"`.

With a few exceptions, the name of a shortcode attribute is always an underscore-separated translation of the camelCase name of the option in the Google Chart API. For instance, to disable chart interactivity by setting the chart's `enableInteractivity` option to `false`, use a shortcode like:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" chart="Pie" chart_enable_interactivity="false"]

Some configuration options call for an `Object` value. For these, the shortcode attribute value should be a [JSON](http://JSON.org/) object. For instance, to use the different properties of the `backgroundColor` option:

    [gdoc key="ABCDEFG" chart="Pie" chart_background_color='{"fill":"yellow","stroke":"red","strokeWidth":5}']

Note that when a JSON object is used as a value, the shortcode attribute's value must be single-quoted.

See [Other Notes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/other_notes/) for a complete list of attribute for configurable chart options.

= Why am I getting errors when I try to use the `query` attribute? =

If your `query` includes an angle bracket, such as a less than (`<`) or a greater than (`>`) sign, [WordPress will assume you are trying to write HTML](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/28564) and strip everything except the first word of your query, resulting in a syntax error. Instead, use the URL-encoded equivalents of these characters (`%3C` and `%3E`, for `<` and `>`, respectively), which WordPress will pass to the plugin unmolested and which the plugin is specifically aware of how to handle correctly.

== Screenshots ==

1. Use a Google Spreadsheet or create a new one for your WordPress post or page. Make sure the Spreadsheet is "Public on the web." Learn more about [Google Docs sharing settings](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/2494886). If your spreadsheet was created a while ago and still uses an "old" style Google Spreadsheet, [use the "Publish as a webpage" option](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/183965). Make a note of the URL of your Google Spreadsheet's editing page.

2. On-screen help gives you instructions for using the plugin where you need it. Paste the address of your Google Spreadsheet into the `key` parameter of the plugin's shortcode (`[gdoc key="YOUR_SPREADSHEET_URL_HERE"]`), then save your post.

3. By default, Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer produces a feature-rich HTML table on your site. Sort columns, filter rows, browse long tables by page number, show and hide individual columns, or export the table data in three different formats (CSV, Excel, and PDF). The plugin's ouput includes plenty of CSS and JavaScript hooks for unlimited customizability. Read [the FAQ](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/faq/) for coding details.

4. QuickTags integration lets you embed a spreadsheet with point-and-click ease.

5. Transform your spreadsheet's data into an interactive graph or chart by adding a single shortcode attribute. 11 chart types are supported, including `Area`, `Bar`, `Column`, `Pie`, `Line`, `Scatter` and more. Every chart can be customized with user-defined colors, opacity, and even 3D effects. There are over 50 configuration options to choose from. See [the FAQ](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/faq/) for a detailed list.

6. Use all the features of the [Google Query Language](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage) to pinpoint the exact data you want. Over 50 additional configuration options let you customize the exact way your graphs, charts, and tables look.

7. This screenshot shows an example of what the previous screenshot might output with a given spreadsheet that contains data for the Aliens, Ninjas, Pirates, and Robots teams, and their player's respective points.

== Change log ==

= Version 0.9.16 =

* [Feature](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-datatables-setting-first-column-and-first-row-as-headings): Add support for customizable column headers using new `header_cols` attribute.

= Version 0.9.15 =

* [Feature](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/vaxes): Add support for Google Charts' `vAxes` configuration option (use the `chart_v_axes` attribute in your shortcode).

= Version 0.9.14 =

* [Usability](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/pages-126): Show built-in help tabs on all post types, not just the Post type.

= Version 0.9.13 =

* Bugfix: Fix bug wherein a lack of a `buttons` member in the DataTables defaults object caused a JavaScript error.

= Version 0.9.12 =

* Usability: The plugin's settings screen now reports which user roles are SQL-capable.
* Developer:
    * Update DataTables library to version 1.10.9.
    * DataTables extensions have been updated to their current versions.
    * The `Buttons` extension supercedes the `TableTools` and `ColVis` extensions; the latter two have been removed.
        * **You may need to visit the plugin's settings screen and rewrite your DataTables defaults object value for the new extension to work.** If you are not sure what defaults you want, simply leave that field blank and press `Save Changes`.
        * Only modern (HTML5 capable) Web browsers are able to use the buttons, as they no longer use Flash. While a [Flash-based fallback is available](https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/examples/flash/index.html) to support legacy (IE9 and earlier) browsers, it no longer ships with this plugin.

= Version 0.9.11 =

* Feature: `Gauge` charts are now fully supported.

= Version =

* Bugfix: The `FixedHeader` and `FixedColumn` DataTables extensions no longer emit HTTP `404` errors.
* Developer:
    * Update DataTables library to version 1.10.8.
    * DataTables extensions have been updated to their current versions.
    * The `TableTools` and `ColVis` extensions have been *deprecated* in this release. The functionality they provided will be replaced by [the `Buttons`](https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/) and [the `Select`](https://datatables.net/extensions/select/) extensions in an upcoming release.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Fix an issue where missing DataTables settings caused DataTables enhancements not to load.

= Version 0.9.10 =

* Feature: The "Extras" tab in the `gdoc` QuickTag dialog now allows customizing HTTP transport options including an HTTP `timeout`, the `User-Agent` header, and SSL/TLS verification.
* Usability: The QuickTags dialog now includes more detailed descriptions of the customization options it exposes.
* Bugfix: The `gdoc` QuickTag button no longer incorrectly outputs shortcode attributes when multiple attributes are changed from their defaults.

= Version =

* Feature: Extend support for the DataTables defaults object to include the `colVis` extension. This lets you supply default initialization options that customize the behavior or display of the "Show/Hide Columns" button for all your DataTables-enhanced tables.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Fix bug introduced in last update where spreadsheet URL was improperly built in some cases.

= Version 0.9.9 =

* Feature: Improved QuickTags button.
    * The QuickTags dialog box now provides fields for a `query` and `title` attribute value in addition to your datasource's `key`. It also provides a tabbed interface for other HTML integrations and checkboxes for some plugin features (`use_cache` and `linkify`).
* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/charts-not-displaying?replies=4#post-7022752): Fix an issue where charts failed to display if their datasource was a Google Spreadsheet and no `query` was used to select columns.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Correct invalid markup when producing HTML tables.
* Security: Harden plugin against file path disclosure and directory listing attacks. (Don't worry, there is no known active exploit; this is simply a preventative measure.)

= Version 0.9.8 =

* Feature: The `chart` attribute can now be used with CSV `key`s. This means you can make a Google Chart out of the data in any CSV file.

= Version =

* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/update-wiped-out-datatables-defaults-object?replies=6#post-6956998): Fix an issue wherein DataTables defaults, when applied via HTML5 `data-` attributes, were inherited across some DataTables invocations.

= Version 0.9.7 =

* Feature: MySQL databases can now be used as a data source. Use the keyword `wordpress` as the value of the `key` attribute and a valid [MySQL `SELECT` statement](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/select.html) as the value for the `query` attribute to retrieve data from your WordPress database. A MySQL connection URL (like `mysql://user:password@example.com/database`) can be used to connect to remote MySQL servers.
    * This feature must be enabled by an administrator in the plugin's settings screen before it is available. Even after it's enabled, only users granted the special `gdoc_query_sql_databases` capability can author shortcodes that take advantage of this feature.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Using a custom DataTables defaults object with slashes no longer fails, and the `tableTools` property can now be successfully overridden, too.

= Version =

* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/datatables-doesnt-load-on-secondary-tabs): Fix an issue where using multiple `gdoc` shortcodes all with the same `key` failed to apply some DataTables-enhanced features to invocations of the shortcode after the first one.

= Version =

* Security: A [Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_%28CSRF%29) vulnerability existed in version 0.9.6 of Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer that could result in denial of service if an attacker sent specially-crafted HTTP `GET` requests to the site. This patch addresses the issue by adding a [synchronizer token](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/CSRF_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet#General_Recommendation:_Synchronizer_Token_Pattern) to verify that requests originated from the plugin itself. Only version 0.9.6 is known vulnerable, but all users are encouraged to update.

= Version 0.9.6 =

* Feature: The `query` attribute now works with arbitrary CSV inputs. This means you can perform [Google Query Language](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage) operations on the data in any CSV file.
* Usability: The `gid` attribute is no longer required when loading non-default worksheets from new Google Sheets. Simply include the full URL (including the `#gid=123456` fragment) as your `key` and the `gid` part will be automatically detected. Old-style Google Spreadsheets still need to explicitly set the `gid` attribute to load a non-default worksheet.

= Version 0.9.5 =

* Feature: Convert any CSV data into a feature-rich HTML table, even if that data is *not* sourced from a Google Spreadsheet or Apps Script output.
    * This feature works exactly like the standard Google Spreadsheet viewer functions, supporting all the same shortcode attributes and the various DataTables enhancements (but not `query` or `chart`), except it can take any properly formatted CSV file as input. The plugin also detects files served with the `text/csv` HTTP Content-Type header and parses those similarly, so you can supply a web service endpoint that produces CSV output as well as a `.csv` file.
* Bugfix: Fix an issue where DataTables enhancements were not applied to tables with custom classes unless they were rendered on the same page as a shortcode-invoked table.

= Version 0.9.4 =

* Feature: Per-shortcode configurable [HTTP transport options](https://codex.wordpress.org/HTTP_API). Use the new `http_opts` shortcode attribute to configure an individual shortcode's HTTP behavior. The attribute value is expected to be a JSON object. This is particularly useful in conjunction with the new Google Apps Script Web App integration, allowing you to send `POST` as well as `GET` queries, control script execution blocking, network timeouts, and more. All of WordPress's HTTP API arguments are supported.
    * For example, if your spreadsheet or Web App response is very large and you have a very slow connection, you can increase the HTTP timeout from the default 5 seconds to 20 seconds with a shortcode like this: `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" http_opts='{"timeout": 20}']`
* Developer: The `gdoc_webapp_html` filter now passes a second argument, which is an array of the shortcode's attributes and their values.
* Bugfix: Fix an issue where GAS Web App requests with more than one URL querystring parameter failed to send the remaining parameters properly encoded.

= Version 0.9.3 =

* Feature: [Google Apps Script Web Apps](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web) integration. This feature lets you display the output of any public GAS Web App on your WordPress post or page the same way you display a spreadsheet. Instead of a table or chart, however, the output is defined by the Web App itself. This lets you display any arbitrary data you want in any way you want via [Google Apps Script](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/overview) (a kind of web service macro), without necessarily storing that data in a spreadsheet.
    * To retrieve the output of the Web App, supply its public URL as the `key` of the shortcode, like `[gdoc key="https://script.google.com/macros/s/ABCDEFG/exec"]`
    * The new `gdoc_webapp_html` filter lets you hook the HTTP response body of the Web App in the same fashion as you might filter `the_content` of a WordPress post.

= Version 0.9.2 =

* Feature: [FixedHeader extension](https://www.datatables.net/extensions/fixedheader/) integration lets you freeze the table header (its `<thead>` element contents), the table footer (`<tfoot>`), left- or right-most column while scrolling vertically or horizontally by supplying a special `class` value.
    * Use the special `class` value `FixedHeader-top` to freeze the table header, `FixedHeader-bottom` to freeze the table footer, and `FixedHeader-left` or `FixedHeader-right` to freeze the left- or right-most column, respectively.
    * You can use more than one of the above `class` values for the same table. For instance, to freeze the table header, left, and right column all at once, use a shortcode like `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" class="FixedHeader-top FixedHeader-left FixedHeader-right"]`.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Fixes an issue where DataTables failed to initialize after first installation unless the Settings page was visited.
* Tested with WordPress 4.2.

= Version =

* Bugfix: Fix "catchable fatal error" when certain site-wide DataTables defaults are used.

= Version =

* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/setting-default?replies=2#post-6842799): Treat user-supplied DataTables defaults as JSON. This fixes an issue where user-supplied DataTables defaults were ignored.

= Version 0.9.1 =

* Feature: Apply DataTables enhancements to `<table>`s with arbitrary `class` values anywhere on your blog, not just those created with the `gdoc` shortcode.
    * Go to the plugin's new settings screen to enter a space-separated list of `class` names that should have DataTables enhancements applied to them. This is useful if you use other plugins that generate HTML tables, or want to write your own HTML tables, and would like to have DataTables's searching, paging, sorting, and other enhancements applied to those tables, too.
* Feature: Define site-wide DataTables defaults.
    * The new plugin settings screen includes an advanced configuration option that lets you [supply site-wide DataTables defaults](https://datatables.net/manual/options#Setting-defaults). All DataTables-enhanced tables will use the specified defaults unless a given table overrides the defaults in its shortcode, HTML, or JavaScript initialization. This is useful if you use many tables with non-default settings and want to have one place to make changes to all of them, instead of repeating the non-default settings in each shortcode.
    * If your tables have changed after updating to this version, **restore the plugin's defaults by visiting the plugin's settings screen and re-saving its options.** (This is sometimes necessary because default settings storage location have been moved around in this release. Sorry about any inconvenience.)

= Version 0.9 =

* Feature: Fully customizable DataTables.
    * You can now use a huge number of shortcode attributes to customize the features of your DataTables-enhanced tables. All [DataTables Feature, Data, Options, and Columns options groups](https://datatables.net/reference/option/) are supported through an underscore-separated shortcode attribute of a similar name. See [this plugin's FAQ](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/faq/) for details. See this plugin's [Other Notes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/other_notes/) page for a complete list of shortcode attributes.
* Developer: Update DataTables library to version 1.10.6.

= Version 0.8.7 =

* Developer: New `gdoc_query` filter lets you hook into the Google visualization API queries supplied in the `query` attribute of the shortcode. Useful for dynamically generating queries for pre-processing, such as `SELECT`ing only rows referencing the current WordPress user by username or other identification.

= Version 0.8.6 =

* Feature: Automatically detect default site language and display some DataTables labels and buttons in that language.
    * Use the new `lang` attribute to declare that a particular spreadsheet's contents is in a language other than the default. For instance, use `lang="nl-NL"` to declare that a given spreadsheet is in Dutch.
    * Translations are available for all [DataTables internationalization plugins](https://www.datatables.net/plug-ins/i18n/).

= Version 0.8.5 =

* Feature: DataTables-enhanced tables now include the [Responsive](https://datatables.net/extensions/responsive/) plugin enabled by default. This plugin further improves narrow and liquid layouts by displaying columns that won't fit without scrolling horizontally in a child row instead. If you want to keep the old behavior (horizontal scrolling), add the `no-responsive` `class` to your shortcode, like this: `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" class="no-responsive"]`
* Developer: Update [DataTables](https://datatables.net/) libraries to version 1.10.5.

= Version 0.8.4 =

* Developer: Two new plugin [filters](https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API#Filters), `gdoc_table_html` and `gdoc_viewer_html`, allow other plugin or theme authors to customize the output produced by the `gdoc` shortcode. See the [Other Notes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/other_notes/) page for documentation and implementation notes.
* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-and-fix-script-dependencies): Correctly declare JavaScript dependencies.

= Version 0.8.3 =

* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-show-cell-line-break): Stricter whitespace checking fixes an issue where space/newline character sequences were unintuitively interpreted.

= Version 0.8.2 =

* Feature: [WordPress Embeds](https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds) support provides [OEmbed](http://oembed.com/) emulation, so now you don't even need to use a shortcode. In other words, pasting your Spreadsheet's `key` onto its own line is now the equivalent of invoking a shortcode like this: `[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ABCDEFG/edit"]` 
    * This feature is only available for "new" Google Spreadsheets.

= Version 0.8.1 =

* [Bugfix](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-on-loading-table?replies=3): Properly serialize and store responses from Google with mismatched encoding.
* Bugfix: Properly save and load caches with shortcodes that use the `gid` attribute.
* Bugfix: Uninstaller correctly clears plugin cache.

= Version 0.8 =

* Feature: Built-in caching. To improve page load speeds, shortcodes whose `key`s output spreadsheet table data will be cached for ten minutes by default.
    * You can use the new `expire_in` attribute to set a custom cache lifetime (in seconds). For instance, to cache for 1 minute instead of 10, use `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" expire_in="60"]`
    * To turn off caching for a specific spreadsheet, set the `use_cache` attribute to `no`, like `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" use_cache="no"]`. Disabling the cache for a spreadsheet is only recommended for relatively small datasets (under 100 rows or so) that change often, or for debugging purposes.
    * Changing the `query` in a shortcode will also create a new cache, since a different query may return different data.

Version history has been truncated due to [WordPress.org plugin repository `readme.txt` file length limitations](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-plugin-repository-readmetxt-length-limit?replies=1). For [historical change log information](https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/tags/, please refer to the plugin source code repository.

== Other notes ==

If you like this plugin, **please consider [making a donation](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=meitarm%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Inline%20Google%20Spreadsheet%20Viewer%20WordPress%20Plugin&item_number=inline%2dgdocs%2dviewer&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted) for your use of the plugin**, [purchasing one of Meitar's web development books](http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26redirect%3Dtrue%26sort%3Drelevancerank%26search-type%3Dss%26index%3Dbooks%26ref%3Dntt%255Fathr%255Fdp%255Fsr%255F2%26field-author%3DMeitar%2520Moscovitz&tag=maymaydotnet-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957) or, better yet, contributing directly to [Meitar's Cyberbusking fund](http://Cyberbusking.org/). (Publishing royalties ain't exactly the lucrative income it used to be, y'know?) Your support is appreciated!

= Shortcode attribute documentation =

This plugin provides one shortcode (`gdoc`) that can do many things through a combination of shortcode attributes. Every attribute must have a value. These attributes and their recognized values are documented here.

* `key` - Specifies the document to retrieve.
    * **required** Every `gdoc` shortcode must have one and only one `key` attribute. (All other attributes are optional.)
    * `key` can be one of seven types:
        * The fully-qualified URL of a Google Spreadsheet that has been publicly shared, like `[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ABCDEFG/htmlview#gid=123456"]`
        * The document ID of an old-style Google Spreadsheet that has been "Published to the web," like `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG"]`
        * The fully-qualified URL of a Google Apps Script Web App, like `[gdoc key="https://script.google.com/macros/s/ABCDEFG/exec"]`
        * The fully-qualified URL of a CSV file or a web service endpoint that produces CSV data, like `[gdoc key="http://viewportsizes.com/devices.csv"]`
        * The fully-qualified URL of a document on the Web. PDF, DOC, XLS, and other file formats supported by the [Google Docs Viewer](https://docs.google.com/viewer) will be rendered using the Viewer, like `[gdoc key="http://example.com/my_final_paper.pdf"]`
        * The keyword `wordpress` to make a SQL query against the current blog's database, like [gdoc key="wordpress" query="SELECT * FROM custom_table"]`
        * A MySQL connection URL to make a SQL query against an arbitrary MySQL server, like `[gdoc key="mysql://user:password@server.example.com:12345/database" query="SELECT * FROM custom_table"]`
* `chart` - Displays Google Sheet data as a chart instead of a table. Valid values are:
    * `Area`
    * `Bar`
    * `Bubble`
    * `Candlestick`
    * `Column`
    * `Combo`
    * `Gauge`
    * `Histogram`
    * `Line`
    * `Pie`
    * `Scatter`
    * `Stepped`
* `class` - An optional custom HTML `class` value or space-separated list of values. The following class names are treated specially:
    * `no-datatables` deactivates all DataTables features.
    * `no-responsive` deactivates only DataTables' Responsive features.
    * `FixedHeader` or its synonym, `FixedHeader-top` freezes the table header (its `<thead>` content) to the top of the window while scrolling vertically.
    * `FixedHeader-bottom` freezes the table footer (its `<tfoot>` content) to the bottom of the window while scrolling vertically.
    * `FixedHeader-left` or `FixedHeader-right` freezes the left- or right-most column of the table while scrolling horizontally. (You will also need to set `datatables_scroll_x="true"` in your shortcode to enable horizontal scrolling.)
    * `FixedColumns-left-N` or `FixedColumns-right-N` freezes the left- or right-most `N` columns in the table, respectively.
* `expire_in` - How long to cache responses from Google for, in seconds. Set to `0` to cache forever. (Default: `600`, which is ten minutes.)
* `gid` - For old-style Google Spreadsheets, the ID of a worksheet in a Google Spreadsheet to load, other than the first one, like `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" gid="123"]`. (This attribute is deprecated for new Google Sheets.)
* `header_cols` - A number specifying how many column cells should be written with `<th>` elements. (Default: `0`.)
* `header_rows` - A number specifying how many rows to place in the output's `<thead>` element. (Default: `1`.)
* `height` - Height of the containing HTML element. Tables ignore this, use `style` instead. (Default: automatically calculated.)
* `http_opts` - A JSON string representing options to pass to the [WordPress HTTP API](https://codex.wordpress.org/HTTP_API), like `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" http_opts='{"method": "POST", "blocking": false, "user-agent": "My Custom User Agent String"}']`.
* `lang` - The [ISO 639](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm) language code declaring the human language of the spreadsheet's contents. For instance, use `nl-NL` to declare that content is in Dutch. (Default: your site's [global language setting](https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language).)
* `linkify` - Whether or not to automatically turn URLs, email addresses, and so on, into clickable links. Set to `no` to disable this behavior. (Default: `true`.)
* `query` - A [Google Query Language](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#Language_Syntax) query if the data source is a Google Spreadsheet or CSV file, or a SQL `SELECT` statement if the data source is a MySQL database. *Note:* Arrow bracktets (`<` and `>`) in queries must be URL-encoded (`%3C` and `%3E`, respectively) to avoid confusing the WordPress HTML parser. (Default: none.)
* `strip` - The number of leading rows to omit from the resulting HTML table. (Default: `0`.)
* `style` - An inline CSS rule applied to the containing HTML element. For example, to set a fixed height on a table, use `[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" style="height: 480px;"]`. (Default: none.)
* `summary` - A brief description of the information displayed for the `summary` attribute of the resulting HTML `<table>`. (Default: `Google Spreadsheet`.)
* `title` - An optional title for your data visualization or table. This is usually displayed in Web browsers as a tooltip when a user hovers over the table or is shown as the headline of a chart. (Default: none.)
* `use_cache` - Whether or not to cache spreadsheet data. Set this to `no` to disable caching for that shortcode invocation. (Default: `true`.)
* `width` - Width of the containing HTML element. Tables ignore this, use `style` instead. (Default: `100%`.)

= Chart customization options =

To use chart customization options, you must also choose a chart type by including the `chart` attribute.

The **complete list of attributes for configurable chart options** is below. Refer to [Google's Chart Gallery documentation](https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery) for the type of chart you are using to learn more about which chart types support which chart options.

* `chart_animation`
* `chart_annotations`
* `chart_aggregation_target`
* `chart_area_opacity`
* `chart_axis_titles_position`
* `chart_background_color`
* `chart_bars`
* `chart_bubble`
* `chart_candlestick`
* `chart_chart_area`
* `chart_color_axis`
* `chart_colors`
* `chart_crosshair`
* `chart_curve_type`
* `chart_data_opacity`
* `chart_dimensions`
* `chart_enable_interactivity`
* `chart_explorer`
* `chart_focus_target`
* `chart_font_name`
* `chart_font_size`
* `chart_force_i_frame`
* `chart_green_color`
* `chart_green_from`
* `chart_green_to`
* `chart_h_axes`
* `chart_h_axis`
* `chart_height`
* `chart_interpolate_nulls`
* `chart_is_stacked`
* `chart_legend`
* `chart_line_width`
* `chart_major_ticks`
* `chart_max`
* `chart_min`
* `chart_minor_ticks`
* `chart_orientation`
* `chart_pie_hole`
* `chart_pie_residue_slice_color`
* `chart_pie_residue_slice_label`
* `chart_pie_slice_border_color`
* `chart_pie_slice_text`
* `chart_pie_slice_text_style`
* `chart_pie_start_angle`
* `chart_point_shape`
* `chart_point_size`
* `chart_red_color`
* `chart_red_from`
* `chart_red_to`
* `chart_reverse_categories`
* `chart_selection_mode`
* `chart_series`
* `chart_size_axis`
* `chart_slice_visibility_threshold`
* `chart_slices`
* `chart_theme`
* `chart_title_position`
* `chart_title_text_style`
* `chart_tooltip`
* `chart_trendlines`
* `chart_v_axes`
* `chart_v_axis`
* `chart_width`
* `chart_yellow_color`
* `chart_yellow_from`
* `chart_yellow_to`

= DataTables customization options =

To use DataTables customization options, you must not supply the `no-datatables` class.

The **complete list of core DataTables customization attributes** is below. Please refer to the [DataTables Options reference](https://datatables.net/reference/option/) for more information about each particular option.

* `datatables_auto_width`
* `datatables_defer_render`
* `datatables_info`
* `datatables_j_query_UI`
* `datatables_length_change`
* `datatables_ordering`
* `datatables_paging`
* `datatables_processing`
* `datatables_scroll_x`
* `datatables_scroll_y`
* `datatables_searching`
* `datatables_server_side`
* `datatables_state_save`
* `datatables_ajax`
* `datatables_data`
* `datatables_defer_loading`
* `datatables_destroy`
* `datatables_display_start`
* `datatables_dom`
* `datatables_length_menu`
* `datatables_order_cells_top`
* `datatables_order_classes`
* `datatables_order`
* `datatables_order_fixed`
* `datatables_order_multi`
* `datatables_page_length`
* `datatables_paging_type`
* `datatables_renderer`
* `datatables_retrieve`
* `datatables_scroll_collapse`
* `datatables_search_cols`
* `datatables_search_delay`
* `datatables_search`
* `datatables_state_duration`
* `datatables_stripe_classes`
* `datatables_select`
* `datatables_tab_index`
* `datatables_column_defs`
* `datatables_columns`

In addition to the above, the following included DataTables extensions can be customized through these additional shortcode attributes:

* `datatables_buttons` for customizing the [DataTables Buttons extension](https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/)

= Plugin hooks =

This section documents hooks that the plugin implements. Developers of other plugins or themes can use these in their code to customize the way this plugin works.

== Filters ==

* `gdoc_table_html` - Filters the Google Spreadsheet data after it has been converted to an HTML `<table>` element. Some notes about this filter:
    * The most common use for this filter is to use [`html_entity_decode()`](https://php.net/html-entity-decode) to allow the data source to include raw HTML that will be displayed. This is considered a potential security risk and so is not recommended unless you are absolutely sure you need this functionality. In the majority of cases where users assume they need this functionality, it turns out there are other, more preferable alternatives, despite its convenience.
    * Another related use case for this filter is to allow [WordPress shortcodes](https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode) that are present in the data source to be evaluated at runtime. See [this thread](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/using-filter-hooks-1) for a brief discussion of that use case. However, this can also be problematic and is not recommended unless you are certain the shortcodes being used will not cause issues like invalid and broken markup, since most shortcode functions do not expect to be inside of an HTML `<table>`.
    * This filter runs immediately after HTML conversion is complete, but *before* that HTML is processed through the [`make_clickable()`](https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/make_clickable) function. This means that the value of the `linkify` shortcode attribute will affect the ultimate output of the shortcode invocation regardless of your filter function, and also means you should not call `make_clickable()` yourself.
* `gdoc_viewer_html` - Same as above, but applied to the `<iframe>` that loads the [Google Docs Viewer](https://docs.google.com/viewer). Use this filter to, for intance, customize the fallback content in the case that the user's browser does not support `<iframe>` elements.
* `gdoc_webapp_html` - Same as above, but applied to the HTTP response body of the [Google Apps Script Web App](https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web). Use this filter to, for intance, customize the content returned by your GAS Web App similarly to how you might filter `the_content` of a WordPress post. The first argument is the HTTP response body of the request. The second argument is an array of all the attributes and their values passed to the current invocation of the shortcode.
* `gdoc_query` - Filters the Google Visualization API query language query. The first argument is the string supplied to the `query` attribute, or `false` if no query was supplied. The second argument is an array of all the attributes and their values passed to the current invocation of the shortcode.
    * A common use case for this filter is to query a Google Spreadsheet using dynamically generated content, such as the email address or username of a logged-in user.