CSULB STAT 560 Nonparametric Statistics

Supplemental R codes for the textbook "Nonparametric Methods in Statistics with SAS Applications" by Dr. Olga Korosteleva.

To update R, RStudio, and installed libraries, follow the steps in this tutorial.

Repository Outline

Required Libraries

Note: the code is all based around the tidyverse package

  • Tidyverse: collection of R packages designed for data science including ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purrr, tibble, stringr and forcats
  • Tidymodels: collection of packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles including broom, dials, infer, modeldata, parsnip, recipes, rsample, tune, workflows, and yardstick
  • rstatix: pipe-friendly (tidyverse compatible) framework for performing basic statistical tests
  • magrittr: a forward-pipe operator for R
  • ggpubr: ggplot2 based package for elegant data visualization in R
  • plotly: R graphing library for making interactive, publication-quality graphs
  • fANCOVA: collection of R functions to perform nonparametric analysis of covariance for regression curves or surfaces
  • fields: tools for spatial data
  • gam: functions for fitting and working with generalized additive models
  • mgcv: mixed GAM computation vehicle with automatic smoothness estimation
  • survival: contains the core survival analysis routines
  • survminer: drawing survival curves using ggplot2
  • bootstrap: functions for the book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap"
