Detects the individual coffee grounds in a white-background picture to determine particle size distribution
- abi666
- angrakr
- avierck
- branningLos Angeles, CA
- brunomarinhoRio de Janeiro, Brazil
- corbinheistSeattle, WA
- DFog14The warm spot on the carpet
- DrCian
- fitzhaa
- fusedFETLausanne, Switzerland
- gregwarrior
- halmos
- HeyItsJono
- icbcbiccUniversity of Waterloo
- jgarthur
- JuanXXIII23
- jyc66Kitchener, Ontario
- kenlimmj@google
- lucapinelloMassachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School
- lucasrodcostaGlobo
- marcosmrai
- michaelpm91
- MiReplan
- n1tram1France
- nbaechtold
- rapsadCracow
- rayidghaniCarnegie Mellon University
- RC1140
- reox
- ryibasSkyline Technologies
- shuyangliNew York, NY
- sodoku
- stardust66Providence, RI, USA
- stefansperberTokyo
- w1l50nCalifornia, USA
- yipjiajieSchool of Computing, NUS