A poker league management app useful for socially tracking seasons, rankings, events, etc.
This project, PokerLeague, is the mobile app view. A companion API project that facilitates the web services & data storage for this mobile app can be found at https://github.com/tmichalski/PokerLeagueAPI
This app is built on Ionic Framework. Follow the CSS and other conventions of the Ionic Framework.
This codebase follows the John Papa's AngularJS 1 style guide as closely as possible. Please do the same.
Update your OS hostname file to route "pokerleague.lssinc.com" to localhost.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
Add the following line to /etc/hosts pokerleague.lssinc.com
Install Node Package Manager (npm)
Clone the PokerLeague project locally (assumes you already have git installed)
$ cd /my/workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/tmichalski/PokerLeague.git
$ cd /my/workspace/PokerLeague
Apache Cordova & Ionic Framework
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
iOS Ionic/Cordova Platform (Mac OSX Only)
$ ionic platform add ios
Android Ionic/Cordova Platform
$ ionic platform add android
Browser Ionic/Cordova Platform (required for local testing)
$ ionic platform add browser
Install app dependencies
$ bower install
NOTE: Bower may ask you which version of AngularJS to use. If so, choose angular#1.5.3 as of 6/12/2016.
Be sure the PokerLeagueAPI app is running and listening on whatever hostname:port is configured in /www/app/app.config.js
Emulate Browser (for local development)
$ ionic emulate browser
Emulate iOS
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios
Emulate Android
$ ionic build android
$ ionic emulate android
- Application config params are stored in /www/app/app.config.js
- serverHostName: Sets the web services hostname and port. Default is http://pokerleague.lssinc.com:8080
- IntellJ IDE > Preferences > Plugins > Browse Repositories... and install the following plugins:
- PhoneGap/Cordova
- AngularJS
- Run > Edit Configurations
- Click the "+" sign to add a new configuration
- Choose "PhoneGap/Cordova" from the "+" drop-down list
- Enter the following options
- Name: Emulate Browser
- PhoneGap/Cordova executable: /usr/local/bin/ionic
- PhoneGap/Cordova working directory: (ie /Users/tim/Documents/workspace/PokerLeague)
- Command: emulate
- Platform: browser
- Click "Ok" to save
- Repeat this setup for each platform by changing the "Name" and "Platform" variables.
- In the "Run" drop-down list in the main toolbar, select your run option and click the green "Play" button to launch the app.
- Be sure the PokerLeagueAPI app is running and listening on whatever hostname:port is configured in /www/app/app.config.js