
Getting and Cleaning Data - Course Project

Primary LanguageR


##Getting and Cleaning Data - Course Project

The objective of this Course Project is my ability to use R to collect, work with and clean a data set.


The run_analsis.R script found in this Repo is used to download and cache data from https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip and tranform the raw data into a Tidy Data Set.

Script use

To use the script download the run_analsis.R to a working directory. The script will create to sub directories

  1. sourceData - This directory will download and cache the raw data from the above source.
  2. tidyData - This directory will contain the resulting tidy data set output file


The provided CodeBook.md Markdown file is used to create documentation detailing the steps used to produce the Tidy Data Set.