Formula 1 Frenzy



Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies


As F1 Formula fans, there is a need to view F1 Formula news, teams, and races at a simpler design. For that reason, we designed and developed a simple application that allows users to keep track of the news, teams, and events related to the F1 Formula race. The front-end of the application was developed in HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The back-end of the application was developed in JavaScript. We used two different APIs to gather the information of the F1 Formula. The first API that we used was api-sports. The second API that we used was newscatcher-api.

User Story

AS A devoted F1 fan 
I WANT to see F1 news, teams, and upcoming races
SO THAT I can keep up with the latest information related to F1

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I want information on the Formula F1 Races
WHEN I open the webpage
THEN the current race, upcoming race, drivers, and news are presented
WHEN I press the View All for Upcoming
THEN I am presented a schedule of future races
WHEN I press the View All for Driver's Standings
THEN I presented a list of all the drivers participating 
WHEN I press the View All for News
THEN I am presented with the latest news for F1 and other current news


F1 Formula Frenzy


A link to the code:

A link to the deployed URL:
