
Data Challenge EuroCSS

MIT LicenseMIT

Datasets created for the EURO CSS Data Challenge

Base file with the search query and results (hash)

  • File: all_people_hap*.zip (extract by "unzip -p 'all_people_hap*.zip' | cat > all_people_hap.tsv")
  • Columns:
    • geo_location:
    • keyword: search term
    • language: language of user
    • login_status: logged in into google
    • plugin_id: plugin id
    • plugin_version: plugin version
    • result_hash: hash result of search
    • search_date: search date
    • search_type: google news or google search
    • user: user id
    • geo_location2: postal code
    • const_i: constituency id (can be linked to number of votes)
    • day: day of search
    • av_haps_all: average happiness of the text in the links
    • std_haps_all: std of the average happiness of the text in the links
    • count_haps_all: number of articles with info on text
    • count_ideo_all: number of articles with info on ideology
    • user2: concatenation of user + login_status (sometimes it can log out)
    • {party}_ideo: average ideology of the party {party} in the links. 0 = links never shared by {party}. 1 = links only shared by {party}
    • {party}_std_ideo: std of the ideology of the party {party} in teh text of the links

Conversion table hash to links

  • Large file, download from the datapende website or email garcia@uva.nl

Ideology of each link

Based on the Twitter activity of politicians and organizations

  • File: ideology_media.tsv
  • Columns:
    • party: \in (AfD CDU CSU FDP Grüne Linke SPD)
    • netloc: netloc of link (e.g. instagram, zeit or faz)
    • count_netloc: number of tiems the netloc has been shared
    • count: number of times it has been shared by the party
    • count_p: number of times the party has shared a link
    • ratio: fraction of times the link has been shared by the party (count/count_p)
    • sum_netloc: sum of ratios of netloc by all parties (normalization constant)
    • ideology: ratio/sum_netloc

Text in the links

  • File: link_text_.zip (extract using: "unzip -p 'all_text_links_.zip' | cat > all_text_links.tsv")
  • Columns:
    • Link_original: Original link
    • Link_obtained: Link returned by website
    • Text: Raw text in website

Happiness of the text in the links

  • File: links_happiness_language.tsv
  • Language and happiness of the text in the links, using labMTsimple.storyLab and detect_language
  • Columns (no header!):
    • Original link
    • Language
    • Raw mean happiness
    • Raw STD of happiness
    • Weigthed average of happiness (weight = TFIDF score of word)
    • Weighted STD of happiness (weight = TFIDF score of word)
    • Empty column (placeholder for other measures of happiness)
    • Empty column (placeholder for other measures of happiness)
    • Empty column (placeholder for other measures of happiness)
    • Empty column (placeholder for other measures of happiness)
    • Length of text

Votes by constituency

  • File: votes_by_constituency.tsv
  • From website: https://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/en/bundestagswahlen/2017/ergebnisse/bund-99/land-{}.html ({} is a number from 1 to 16, both included)
  • Columns:
    • col: Political party
    • state_i: State id
    • state: State name
    • constituency: Consituency name
    • constituency_i: Consituency id
    • num2: Number of votes
    • diff2: Difference in percentage points from last election
    • vote_const: Total votes in the constituency
    • perc: Percentage of votes