
  • Monitor network connectivity to the outside world with ping.
  • Produces a log file and a graph of data in the log file.

This file uses a loop to call ping and then extracts some information from the results of ping and emits them. They are best stored in a log file.

improvements (to do/ideas)

  • instead of emitting them, use the logging module to print to screen and file
  • also log, in a seperate file, the raw ping results (or slightly modified so that they are on one line)
  • make it more of a function so that ping delay and host can be set
  • is there a ping url? at the moment it pings a commercial site (maybe change to as described here
  • more things?


This file loads the log file and produces a chart. At some point it should do a more in depth analysis of the log file and produce a report.

improvements (to do/ideas)

  • find the periodicity of failures
  • plot the round trip time, too
  • make a pie chart of the various number of pings that come back
  • more things!