
Personal notes for densely connected ideas.*

Primary LanguagePython


Personal notes for densely connected ideas.

Thicket can be used to take notes as you work, creating a wiki like resource that is:

  • Entirely text, can be managed in source control.
  • Finely interlinked and quoted, with no broken links.
  • Easy to browse, easy to extend.
  • Structured for external tools.

Currently there is nothing here, and you shouldn't use it. The code is a default sphinx project that is finding itself. I encourage you to investigate Obsidian or Roam if the idea is appealing.


  • ☑ Define a custom role for links to documents.
  • ☐ List all backlinks at the bottom of all documents.
  • ☐ Create restrictions on how documents should be structured.
    • There is a daily-notes page named with today's date.
    • Referenced documents always exist.
  • ☐ Extend backlinks to support section level anchors.
  • ☐ Support transclusion and other poorly named ideas.
  • ☐ Create a graph visualization for notes.

Potential Use Cases

  • Can I create a Thicket that is a valuable artifact for someone else?
  • Can I create a workshop or tutorial in Thicket?
  • Can I embed flashcards, versioned information, or other structured data in Thicket?
  • Can I create editor level tools to reduce the cognitive load of taking notes?

Why Not

  • Obsidian
    • Markdown is Calvinball, hard to extend, port and reuse.
    • I'm not thrilled with another electron app in my life.
    • Plugin API not finalized / Immature.
  • Roam
    • Proprietary markdown is especially Calvinball
    • Their site does not appear to be holding it together
    • Our Beautiful Journey incoming
  • MediaWiki
  • Tiddlywiki
    • A single file application makes it difficult to access and reuse structured information.
    • A lot of tiddlywiki's goals are similar to mine.
  • Your Favorite Wiki
    • Is probably more interested in providing a complete application than a html representation of a set of files.
    • Thicket wants to be maintained in source control. Your favorite wiki probably doesn't.
  • Notion
    • Transclusion might be supported but isn't yet.
    • Intended for enterprise and not for me.
    • Probably not getting my data and workflow out in one piece.
