Project and item templates for Visual Studio that allow you to create VSTS extensions and custom build/release tasks.
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The command "typings install && npm up --save-dev && npm run build" exited with code 9009 Issue - VSTSExt
#21 opened by iariasfallas - 2
The publisher name 'Josh Garverick' is invalid
#20 opened by pabrams - 4
Can't use grunt tasks within VS2015
#18 opened by displaced - 0
Failed with: Error: spawn npm ENOENT
#19 opened by rhessinger - 3
Unable to build newly created project
#17 opened by IronGem - 3
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Typescript compiler option in project file
#12 opened by arasium - 3
Include tfignore/gitignore in template to prevent accidental leak of VSTS Marketplace token
#10 opened by jessehouwing