
a short story for a picture book or something


what is this?

this is a WIP to try and make a story book for kids to learn the logical falicies

list of Logical Falicies

  • Ad Hominem:
    Attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself.

  • Straw Man:
    Misrepresenting or exaggerating an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack.

  • False Cause (Post Hoc):
    Incorrectly assuming that one event caused another because they are correlated in time.

  • Circular Reasoning:
    Restating the argument rather than providing evidence to support it.

  • Appeal to Authority:
    Using the opinion of an authority figure as evidence in your argument, even if the authority is not an expert on the subject.

  • Ad Populum (Bandwagon):
    Arguing that because a belief is popular or widely held, it must be true.

  • Appeal to Tradition:
    Arguing that something is true or good because it has been done that way for a long time.

  • Appeal to Emotion:
    Using emotions as the basis of an argument rather than valid reasoning.

  • False Dichotomy:
    Presenting a situation as if there are only two possible outcomes when, in fact, there are more.

  • Red Herring:
    Introducing irrelevant information to divert attention from the real issue.

  • Hasty Generalization:
    Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence or a small sample size.

  • Burden of Proof:
    Asserting that a claim is true because it hasn't been proven false, or vice versa.

  • No True Scotsman:
    Refusing to accept a counterexample to a claim by redefining the criteria.

  • Appeal to Nature:
    Arguing that something is good or right because it is natural.

  • Tu Quoque:
    Dismissing someone's argument because the person making the argument doesn't follow their own advice.

  • Genetic Fallacy:
    Judging the validity of an argument based on its origin rather than its content.

  • Composition/Division:
    Assuming that what is true for one part of something has to be applied to all or other parts.

  • Equivocation:
    Using ambiguous language to mislead or conceal the truth.

  • Appeal to Ignorance:
    Arguing that a claim is true simply because it hasn't been proven false, or vice versa.

  • Slippery Slope:
    Arguing that a particular event will lead to a chain of events with negative consequences without sufficient evidence.

what to read first ... ?

draft 00






maybe a Dr Suss Style Rhyme

misc rhyme thingie