
Find the best deal for a French starred restaurant

Primary LanguageJavaScript

// All the code is in the ‘code/’ folder

/*** Run the React client side to display the deals (from file because of the anti bot): ***/

cd code/react/
npm install
npm start
go to localhost:3000
  • Most of the of the client side code is contained in the /code/react/src/Home.js file (if you want to see the code)


/*** Run the Server Side ***/

  • Installation (if modules not already installed):

      npm install (from the first folder, which contains all the project)


  • Get all the stared restaurants from michelin:

      cd code/michelin/
      node michelin.js
      open michelin_restaurants.json (in the same folder) to see the results 


  • Get all the deals (API Mode):

      cd code/lafourchette_API/
      node lafourchette.js
      open the deals_api.json file and the info_restaurants.json file (infos about restaurants) (in the same folder)


  • Get all the deals (Scraping web mode): [Warning: You should be blocked using this method]

      cd code/lafourchette_Scrap/
      node lafourchette_Web.js
      if you are not blocked (403), open the promos_scrap.json file (in the same folder)


  • Get all the deals (Scraping mobile mode): [Warning: You should be blocked using this method]

      cd code/lafourchette_Scrap/
      node lafourchette_mobile.js
      if you are not blocked (403), open the deals_mobile.json file (in the same folder)

/*** Additional informations ***/

If you want to get in details of the server side of the code, here is what I did:

During the major time of the workshop, I almost only worked in scraping (web mode).

When we had the issues with the anti-bot from datadome, I redid all the process to get the informations we needed, but with the API.

I also did a small script that gets deals with the mobile scraping mode. This allowed me to see all the different parts of the workshop.

The folder /code/jsonFiles_static contains the several jsons I got from michelin and lafourchette, but with pretreatments, to avoid issues when merging + displaying them from the React Client-Side.

The only issue I have is to display the number of stars from a restaurant, when merging all the jsons from react.