The code in this repository provides a framework for solving arbitrary separable convex optimization problems with Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). In particular, the algorithm implemented is the generalized consensus algorithm described in the paper
Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato, and J. Eckstein
which can be found here. The framework can be used to parallelize the solution of every problem of the form
min_{Z} \sum_{i=1}^N F(Z; d_i) + lam * ||Z||_1
where Z
in R^d, F
is a convex function in Z
, d_i
are data points read from a file, lam
is a regularization parameter, and ||.||_1
is the usual l1 norm.
The framework is built over Spark and is generic: to apply it to an arbitrary separable convex problem, a developer needs to implement only three functions (one that reads data from a file, one that evaluates the objective function, and one that solves a local optimization problem with an additional proximal penalty term). An example implementation of logistic regression is included in the code.
The code was developed by a team of Yahoo researchers including Stratis Ioannidis, Yunjiang Jiang, Nikolay Laptev, Hamid Javadi, and Saeed Amizadeh. It was used in the paper:
Parallel News-Article Traffic Forecasting with ADMM. S. Ioannidis, Y. Jiang, S. Amizadeh, and N. Laptev. International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS), 2016
Updated spark installation instructions can be found here. Make sure that your python distribution includes the following modules:
To try out the code, upload the example data file to HDFS:
hadoop fs -put data/LR-example.txt
hadoop fs -chmod 755 LR-example.txt
and then run the following command:
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --num-executors 20 --executor-memory 2g --driver-memory 2g --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 --queue default --py-files ',,,' LR_example.txt regression_output
Additional parameters can be passed to the driver. A help message is printed when calling
/homes/USERNAME/testroot/share/spark-*/bin/spark-submit -h
which returns this:
usage: [-h] [--lam LAM] [--rho RHO] [--N_parts N_PARTS] [--N_in N_IN] [--eps_in EPS_IN] [--N_out N_OUT] [--eps_out EPS_OUT] [--run_full_out]
inputfile outputfile
Train a logistic regression model through ADMM.
positional arguments:
inputfile Training data. This should be a tab separated file of the form: index _tab_ features _tab_ output , where index is a number, features is a
json string storing the features, and output is a json string storing output (binary) variables. See data/LR-example.txt for an example.
outputfile Output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lam LAM Regularization factor (default: 1.0)
--rho RHO ADMM rho (default: 10.0)
--N_parts N_PARTS Number of partitions. Remember to also correspondingly set the number of executors, through --num-executors in spark-submit (default: 10)
--N_in N_IN Number of inner iterations (default: 100)
--eps_in EPS_IN Epsilon for inner loop convergence (default: 0.001)
--N_out N_OUT Number of outer iterations (default: 20)
--eps_out EPS_OUT Epsilon for outer loop convergence (default: 0.01)
--run_full_out Run all N_out outer iterations, even past converngece (default: True)
--run_conv_out Run outer iteratations at most until convergence (default: True)
The resulting execution should print a final log that looks like this:
2015-05-28 22:09:36.473053 ### Initializing SparkADMM object with data partitions: 10, key partitions: 10, iterations: 20, rho: 10.000000, lambda: 1.000000, eps: 0.010000, run_full: True
2015-05-28 22:10:08.825243 ### Reading data and initializing RDDs...
2015-05-28 22:10:38.780563 ### ...Done reading data and initializing RDDs.
2015-05-28 22:10:38.780720 ### STATS Data Partitions: 10 Key Partitions: 10 Outputs: 3.0,3,3 Features: 12.0,12,12 Data Points: 10000.0,9993,10054
2015-05-28 22:10:38.780822 ### Beginning iterations...
2015-05-28 22:11:02.650379 ### It: 1 PR: 46.8854597716 DR: 467.933781995 OBJ: 207986.725076 Grad: 0.000788458416586,0.000684263725427,0.000923344967733 It: 42.5,31.6666666667,52.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:11:23.226720 ### It: 2 PR: 22.1302771082 DR: 69.9754324662 OBJ: 22740.1688263 Grad: 0.000878238670161,0.000808567168721,0.000936343788982 It: 84.9,80.3333333333,88.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:11:33.933045 ### It: 3 PR: 15.0054535762 DR: 47.442025163 OBJ: 15592.1458912 Grad: 0.000654701245552,0.000409245286274,0.000904717922178 It: 39.5,35.0,43.6666666667 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:11:44.543618 ### It: 4 PR: 11.603716828 DR: 36.6818811479 OBJ: 12854.6209477 Grad: 0.000819398193575,0.000588275613865,0.000950790164178 It: 41.5333333333,35.3333333333,48.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:11:59.232952 ### It: 5 PR: 9.58918604837 DR: 30.3092110008 OBJ: 11322.1845779 Grad: 0.000847139665319,0.000780326806134,0.000914748742523 It: 66.0666666667,61.6666666667,75.6666666667 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:12:16.671884 ### It: 6 PR: 8.24513295978 DR: 26.0573667465 OBJ: 10310.1176802 Grad: 0.000887377071897,0.000839421603416,0.000966897232257 It: 79.9666666667,74.3333333333,84.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:12:32.161944 ### It: 7 PR: 7.27800303619 DR: 22.9979903758 OBJ: 9576.7800098 Grad: 0.000882209840757,0.000842467701669,0.000951129805512 It: 79.2666666667,73.3333333333,82.6666666667 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:12:46.877227 ### It: 8 PR: 6.54484165518 DR: 20.6789862671 OBJ: 9012.98631509 Grad: 0.000885117695984,0.000802837652469,0.000947572981701 It: 74.6,71.3333333333,77.6666666667 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:13:01.799061 ### It: 9 PR: 5.96746817939 DR: 18.8530662415 OBJ: 8561.38265583 Grad: 0.000842865646004,0.00076602879848,0.000898677929579 It: 67.7666666667,64.6666666667,72.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:13:16.539918 ### It: 10 PR: 5.49939059068 DR: 17.3731359204 OBJ: 8188.60147372 Grad: 0.000849797383444,0.000794274437477,0.000937924011613 It: 61.0,55.6666666667,65.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:13:33.865188 ### It: 11 PR: 5.11116090052 DR: 16.1460002895 OBJ: 7873.73837729 Grad: 0.000868477312735,0.000783938054373,0.000954891593157 It: 55.7333333333,52.6666666667,58.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:13:48.232758 ### It: 12 PR: 4.78321659468 DR: 15.1097259022 OBJ: 7602.93961338 Grad: 0.000838211239437,0.000711286540346,0.000910017961521 It: 53.1666666667,51.3333333333,57.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:00.694784 ### It: 13 PR: 4.50193892551 DR: 14.2211819555 OBJ: 7366.60771306 Grad: 0.00083252024587,0.000743679786528,0.000945067391604 It: 49.8666666667,46.6666666667,53.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:13.542489 ### It: 14 PR: 4.25765787488 DR: 13.4497347311 OBJ: 7157.85602129 Grad: 0.000786202839607,0.000662689932105,0.000874661867507 It: 44.1,40.0,48.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:24.365103 ### It: 15 PR: 4.04317636768 DR: 12.7725775219 OBJ: 6971.59247144 Grad: 0.000780083313986,0.00066152037482,0.000968049596779 It: 40.5,37.3333333333,45.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:35.572262 ### It: 16 PR: 3.85314614421 DR: 12.172759012 OBJ: 6803.96173598 Grad: 0.000770770527518,0.000694359302455,0.000934059205192 It: 36.4,30.3333333333,41.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:47.340098 ### It: 17 PR: 3.68342737503 DR: 11.6371571273 OBJ: 6651.98038654 Grad: 0.000724166742016,0.000560356749995,0.000931962911843 It: 31.8666666667,27.0,35.6666666667 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:14:56.210829 ### It: 18 PR: 3.53075584211 DR: 11.1554260699 OBJ: 6513.29894938 Grad: 0.000704864704774,0.000587964072036,0.000817911630703 It: 30.6333333333,25.6666666667,34.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:15:04.743024 ### It: 19 PR: 3.39256281916 DR: 10.7194255276 OBJ: 6386.03902306 Grad: 0.000705672889658,0.000470960892426,0.000843435909192 It: 28.0666666667,25.0,30.0 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:15:11.839042 ### It: 20 PR: 3.26689199064 DR: 10.3229575443 OBJ: 6268.67737282 Grad: 0.000667401702067,0.000579652459082,0.000797838398045 It: 26.8,23.3333333333,33.3333333333 Conv: 1.0,1.0,1.0
2015-05-28 22:15:11.839222 ### Saving Z to file regression_output...
2015-05-28 22:15:14.659391 ### ... done saving to file regression_output.
The present implementation can be used to solve arbitrary problems of the following form:
min_{Z} \sum_{i=1}^N F(Z; d_i) + lam * ||Z||_1
where Z
in R^d, F
is a convex function in Z
, d_i
are data points read from a file, lam
is a regularization parameter, and ||.||_1
is the usual l1 norm. For example, in the case of logistic regression, d_i can be datapoints of the form (x_i,y_i)
, where x_i in R^d and y_i in {-1,+1}
, and F is the logistic loss log(1+exp(-y_i* x_i^T * Z))
To use the present code to solve an arbitrary problem of the above form, a programmer needs to extend the abstract class AbstractSolver
. In particular, a programmer needs to specify three functions:
This is an abstract method receiving input data from a partition, and creating a single batch object.
The SparkADMM code will read data line by line from a file, partition it across machines, and create python objects storing the data in each machine. An implementation of this abstract method specifies how this data should be implemented. This method should receive as input an
e.g., a list of strings. Each string corresponds to a line in the file storing the data; each such line may represent a different datapoint d_i. It should then return a 3-tuple of the following form:
is a collection (e.g., list, numpy array, pandas dataframe, etc.) representing the datad_i
read. It is up to the implementation to determine how to best represent the data; whatever the representation is, this ought to be used by the other two functions in the code. -
is a list of keys (e.g., strings) representing which global variables are used by this partition. -
is a (possibly empty) dictionary ofkey:numerical_value
pairs, that contains some statistics about the data in this partition. For example, the number of lines read, the number of global variables, the processing time, etc., can be reported in this dictionary. It is up to the developer to determine which statistics to report, if any. SparkADMM will print the mean, max, and mean values of all these statistics across partitions.
This is an abstract method receiving input data_i from partition i, and global variables, and returns the local evaluation of the objective over the local data.
The input of the function is
: a data object (e.g., list, numpy array, pandas dataframe, etc.) representing the data in this partition. This is of the same form as the data returned by the readPointBatch function.Z
: a dictionary storing variables as key:numerical_value pairs. The dictionary will only contain values for keys in the 'keys' list returned by the readPointBatch function for this partition
The output of the function is a scalar value, equal to
\sum_{d_i\in data} F(Z;d_i)
i.e., the value of the objective evaluated at this partition's data. Recall that ADMM attempts to solve
\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i\in data_k} F(Z;d_i) + lam * || Z ||_1
so SparkADMM uses this function to evaluate and keep track of the global objective.
This local solver, that minimizes the objective locally, penalized by a proximal term. This implements the update of local variables in the ADMM algorithm.
The input to the function is
: a data object (e.g., list, numpy array, pandas dataframe, etc.) representing the collection of datad_i
in this partition. This is of the same form as the data returned by the readPointBatch function. -
: a scalar value (e.g., 0.1) -
: a dictionary storing variables as key:numerical_value pairs. The dictionary can be assumed to contain values only for keys in the 'keys' list returned by the readPointBatch function for this partition.
The function should return a pair
where Z
is dictionary of the form { key:numerical_value,...}, obtained as the solution of the following
minimization problem:
Z = argmin_{Z} \sum_{d_i \in data} F(Z;d_i) + rho *\| Z - master_Z \|_2^2
and stats
is a (possibly empty) dictionary of the form {statistic_label:numerical_value} containing statistics that the
programmer wishes to report (e.g., the time to completion, the number of iterations if the minimization was done by an iterative algorithm, whether the algorithm converged, etc.) It is up to the programmer to determine what statistics she wishes to report.
- ADMM paper by Boyd et al. The code here implements the generalized consensus algorithm in Chapter 7 of this paper.
- Spark documentation
- Hadoop documentation