
IMDB, Clojure, Datomic, and Kevin Bacon

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Kevin Bacon's favourite reposotory

How far is an actor from Kevin Bacon?


  1. Make sure leiningen is installed
  2. brew install datomic
  3. Copy .lein-env.example to .lein-env
  4. Copy dev/transactor.example.properties to dev/transactor.properties
  5. In another pane, run datomic-transactor $PWD/dev/transactor.properties
  6. Start a repl with lein repl
  7. Within the repl, run (go)

You can now visit http://localhost:3000 to see the web app. You also now have an empty datomic database.


  1. At a REPL, after you've run (go), run the following:
