
A chrome extension to make life easier to my Grupo Godó teammates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cansat d'haver d'accedir al codi font del teu notícia favorita per aconseguir el uuid? Mai més, fes click i enganxa!

¿Cansado de tener que acceder al código fuente de tu noticia favorita para conseguir el uuid? Nunca más, haz click y pega!

Tired of accessing your favourite story source code to get your uuid? Forget about it, just click and paste!

This is a simple Chrome extension focused in saving time to all those who need to get some of the Grupo Godó web pages (www.lavanguardia.com, www.elmundodeportivo.com or www.rac1.cat) stories uuid to

  • edit the story content in Methode CMS
  • manipulate the story object in the Eclipse EOMDB plugin
  • simply identify it so a teammate can quickly work on it
  • etc...

Until now, everty time we needed get some story uuid we had to

  1. access that story source code
  2. look for the right comment containing it
  3. click and select carefully and finally...
  4. copy it!

With this extension all you have to do is simply click on the extension icon (that will be enabled only for the correct domains), that´s all!

As long as I´m not paying 5$ to Google so I can publish this small piece of code in their Chrome Store, if you want to have it available in your browser you'll have to:

  1. pull this project
  2. open Chrome extensions menu (Chrome options -> More tools -> Extensions)
  3. active developer mode
  4. select "Load unpacked", and choose the pulled project folder

After this steps, you should be able to get it working in your browser!