
A Python package for spatially variable advection correction procedures.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python package for spatially variable advection correction procedures.


  1. numpy
  2. scipy
  3. fortran complier


ADV_Cor includes spatially variable advection correction procedures that are often used in radar analysis products. These procedures take a gridded scalar field at two input times and finds the pattern translation components and scalar field at analysis times between the two input times. Currently, ADV_Cor includes two-dimensional spatially variable advection correction (Shapiro et al. 2010) and three-dimensional spatially variable advection correction (Gebauer et al. 2021; in prep). There are plans to include radial velocity spatially variable advection correction (Shapiro et al. 2021), but it is not currently included.


GalChen2D(field1, field2, delta_t, dx, missing=999.)

A function that takes two input two-dimensional scalar fields and finds spatially constant pattern translation components that can be used as a first guess for the the other procedures


field1 - (y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (y,x) array for the second input time
delta_t - Float for the time difference between input fields
missing - Value for missing data if NaNs are not used in input fields


U - (y,x) array for spatially constant x-component of pattern translation
V - (y,x) array for spatially constant y-component of pattern translation

GalChen3D(field1, field2, delta_t, dx, missing=999.)

A function similar to GalChen2D, but for three-dimensional scalar fields


field1 - (z,y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (z,y,x) array for the second input time
delta_t - Float for the time difference between input fields
missing - Value for missing data if NaNs are not used in input fields


U - (z,y,x) array for spatially constant x-component of pattern translation
V - (z,y,x) array for spatially constant y-component of pattern translation
W - (z,y,x) array for spatially constant z-component of pattern translation

ADV2D(field1, field2, first_U, first_V, dx, dy, bigT, nt ,dt, beta, relax=1, under=1, itermax=20000, intermainmax=100, tol=0.001, tol2=0.01, missing=999, verbose=True)

The two-dimensional spatially variable advection correction procedure


field1 - (y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (y,x) array for the second input time
first_U - (y,x) array with the first guess U pattern translation component
first_V - (y,x) array with the first guess V pattern translation component
dx - float for the x grid spacing
dy - float for the y grid spacing
bigT - float for time difference between two input files
nt - int for number of timesteps to advection correct data two, including the two input times
dt - float for the length of the timesteps
beta - float for smoothing parameter
relax - float for over-relaxation factor between 1 and 2 for the relaxation solution of the pde's
under - float for under-relaxation factor beween 0 and 1 for the outer loop solution
intermax - int for maximum number of iterations for relaxation solution
intermaxinmax - int for maximum number of iterations for outer loop of procedure
tol - float for tolerance of relaxation solution
tol2 - float for tolerance of outer loop of procedure
missing - Value for missing data in NaNs are not used in the input fields


U - (y,x) array of the x-component of pattern translation
V - (y,x) array of the y-component of pattern translation
ref - (y,x,nt) array of the advection corrected scalar field

ADV3D(field1, field2, first_U, first_V, first_W, dx, dy, dz, bigT, nt, dt, beta, gamma, eta, nu, relax=1, under=1, itermax=20000, itermainmax=100, tol=0.001, tol2=0.01,missing=999.,verbose=999.)

The three-dimensional spatially variable advection correction procedure


field1 - (z,y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (z,y,x) array for the second input time
first_U - (z,y,x) array with the first guess U pattern translation component
first_V - (z,y,x) array with the first guess V pattern translation component
first_W - (z,y,x) array with the first guess W pattern translation component
dx - float for the x grid spacing
dy - float for the y grid spacing
dz - float for the z grid spacing
bigT - float for time difference between two input files
nt - int for number of timesteps to advection correct data two, including the two input times
dt - float for the length of the timesteps
beta - float for horizontal smoothing parameter of the horizontal pattern translation components
gamma - float for the vertical smoothing parameter of the horizontal pattern translation components
eta - float for the horizontal smoothing parameter of the vertical pattern translation components
nu - float for the vertical smoothing parameter of the vertical pattern translation components
relax - float for over-relaxation factor between 1 and 2 for the relaxation solution of the pde's
under - float for under-relaxation factor beween 0 and 1 for the outer loop solution
intermax - int for maximum number of iterations for relaxation solution
intermaxinmax - int for maximum number of iterations for outer loop of procedure
tol - float for tolerance of relaxation solution
tol2 - float for tolerance of outer loop of procedure
missing - Value for missing data in NaNs are not used in the input fields


U - (z,y,x) array for the x-component of the pattern translation component
V - (z,y,x) array for the y-component of the pattern translation component
W - (z,y,x) array for the z-component of the pattern translation component
ref - (z,y,x,t) array of the advection corrected field

precomputed_ADV2D(field1, field2, u, v, dx, dy, dt, nt)

Advect a two-dimensional field from computed pattern translation components


field1 - (y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (y,x) array for the second input time
u - (y,x) array for the x-component of the pattern translation
v - (y,x) array for the y-component of the pattern translation
dx - float for the x grid spacing
dy - float for the y grid spacing
dt - float for the length of the timesteps
nt - int for number of timesteps to advection correct data two, including the two input times


ref - (y,x,nt) array of the advection corrected field

precomputed_ADV3D(field1, field2, u, v, w, dx, dy, dz, dt, nt)

Advect a two-dimensional field from computed pattern translation components


field1 - (z,y,x) array for the first input time
field2 - (z,y,x) array for the second input time
u - (z,y,x) array for the x-component of the pattern translation
v - (z,y,x) array for the y-component of the pattern translation
w - (z,y,x) array for the z-component of the pattern translation
dx - float for the x grid spacing
dy - float for the y grid spacing
dz - float for the z grid spacing
dt - float for the length of the timesteps
nt - int for number of timesteps to advection correct data two, including the two input times


ref - (z,y,x,nt) array of the advection corrected field


Currently, ADV_Cor is not a true python package. Before ADV_Cor will work the relaxation solvers functions will need to be compiled with f2py.

The quickest and easist way to do this is simply:

python -m numpy.f2py -c relax.f90 -m relax

This will create a .so file and you then should be good to go! Long term ADV_Cor will be an installable python package and this f2py step will be done on installation. I just have to learn how to do this.....

How to Use

ADV_Cor should play nicely with PyART! Here is how ADV_Cor could be used:

  1. PyART is used to open, edit, and grid radar data

  2. (a) The now gridded radar data is passed to either GalChen2D or GalChen3D to obtain arrays with the first guess pattern translation components or (b) The user creates arrays with the first guess pattern translation components of their choosing or (c) this step is ignored and the first guess pattern translation components assumed to be zero (!!NOT RECOMMENDED DUE TO POTENTIAL FOR SOLUTION NONUNIQUENESS!!).

  3. The gridded radar field and first guess pattern translation components are passed to ADV2D or ADV3D for the advection correction.

  4. Wait. This is a computationally intensive iterative procedure. Depending on the size the gridded radar fields, millions of trajectories may be needed each iteration. If you call the function with the verbose arguement set to true, the procedure will output the maximum change in pattern translation component from each iteration so you know how close the procedure is to completing.

  5. If an additional field needs to be advection corrected using the retrieved pattern translation components this can be done with precomputed_ADV2D or precomputed_ADV3D.

  6. Enjoy your advection corrected output!


If you use ADV_Cor please cite the relevant work

Shapiro, A., K. M. Willingham, and C. K. Potvin, 2010: Spatially variable advection correction of radar data. Part I: Theoretical considerations. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3445-3456.

Shapiro, A., K. M. Willingham, and C. K. Potvin, 2010: Spatially variable advection correction of radar data. Part II: Test results. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3457-3470.

Shapiro, A., J. G. Gebauer, N. A. Dahl, D. J. Bodine, A. Marhre, and C. K Potvin, 2021: Spatially variable advection correction of Doppler radial velocity data. J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 167-188.

Gebauer, J. G., A. Shapiro, C. K. Potvin, and N. A. Dahl, 2021: Improvements to spatially variable advection correction. In Prep.