COVID-19 statistics for Germany. For states and counties. With time series data. Daily updates. Official RKI numbers.
- 3
No updates since 27.01.2023
#4184 opened by joogi26 - 3
Keine Updates mehr? Schade.
#1841 opened by EmTee70 - 6
Update Fehler
#2413 opened by joogi26 - 2
- 0
Double-check population count of Landkreis 16063
#1881 opened by jgehrcke - 16
No RKI updates since 4 days ... (Landkreis 16056 disappeared from RKI data set)
#1748 opened by mathiasflick - 1
generate-latest-aggregate.py: KeyError: '16056'
#1840 opened by jgehrcke - 0
Risklayer Deutschland Zahlen
#1342 opened by valentinthoss - 2
DEU variants
#1165 opened by odadoun - 1
- 9
- 5
Metadata Update
#134 opened by reeshmabijosh - 4
Potential error in calculation of daily deaths
#666 opened by sarahckramer - 2
a plot of Covid-19 cases hospitalized per week
#153 opened by denis-bz - 0
change heatmap scale to be absolute
#456 opened by jgehrcke - 28
Feature Request: Single CSV-File with current state
#369 opened by alexgit2k - 5
Discrepancy in Deaths - Gehrcke vs. Risklayer
#562 opened by bdiv - 1
RKI data update: currently broken because of AGS 9178/9179 history damage in Covid19_RKI_Sums ArcGIS feature server
#608 opened by jgehrcke - 7
- 4
Time Shift in Gehrcke VS RiskLayer
#536 opened by bdiv - 2
auto update fails as of arcgis system downtime
#412 opened by jgehrcke - 17
No updates for 4 days
#164 opened by gerbsen - 2
Data update frequency
#121 opened by m-catanese - 2
Data update
#128 opened by m-vollmer - 5
Daten aktualisieren sich nicht
#239 opened by Toni-99 - 7
- 6
Is there a detailed description of the raw RKI_COVID19.csv -- AnzahlFall 131 ?
#254 opened by denis-bz - 4
Wrong data for DE-BE in cases-rki-by-state.csv
#233 opened by mathiasflick - 6
Berlin districts?
#176 opened by RoyalTS - 6
#208 opened by sebkur - 3
Add possibility for time series for Germany
#109 opened by gerbsen - 1
sum_cases column in cases-rki-by-ags.csv
#203 opened by ViktorGrosch - 2
Data for nr. recovered / nr. active cases ?
#119 opened by denis-bz - 2
Saarland data source link is dead
#145 opened by thebear8 - 1
Thüringen data source link is dead
#144 opened by thebear8 - 2
data.csv missing days of data?
#133 opened by groby - 1
- 0
A plot of cases in München + 6 Landkreise
#112 opened by denis-bz - 2
Data source German "Intensivregister"
#96 opened by Schmidtpk - 1
Use GAE edge caching (short-lived)
#52 opened by jgehrcke - 2
Column names ags.csv
#101 opened by TiboGeysen - 2
New data, rki.
#98 opened by WhoIAmm - 9
Landing page: plot new cases
#81 opened by joaopn - 4
- 3
- 1
- 2
Double-check hour of timestamps in RKI data set
#71 opened by jgehrcke - 1
Enrich AGS JSON file with LK name
#70 opened by jgehrcke - 4
deaths num
#75 opened by WhoIAmm - 14
Confirmation of COVID-19 not possible
#53 opened by nikola