Bulk delete messages and files on Slack.
this is a fork of
Install from Pip:
pip install -e git+
If you prefer Docker, there is a pre-built Docker image as well:
docker pull sgratzl/slack-cleaner
Just use docker run -it --rm sgratzl/slack-cleaner -c "slack-cleaner ..."
for each command or jump into a shell using docker run -it --rm sgratzl/slack-cleaner
usage: slack-cleaner [-h] --token TOKEN [--log] [--quiet] [--rate RATE]
[--as_user] [--message | --file | --info] [--regex]
[--channel CHANNEL] [--direct DIRECT] [--group GROUP]
[--mpdirect MPDIRECT] [--user USER] [--botname BOTNAME]
[--bot] [--keeppinned] [--after AFTER] [--before BEFORE]
[--types TYPES] [--pattern PATTERN] [--perform]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--token TOKEN Slack API token (
--log Create a log file in the current directory
--quiet Run quietly, does not log messages deleted
--proxy Proxy Server url:port
--verify Verify option for Session (
--rate RATE Delay between API calls (in seconds)
--as_user Pass true to delete the message as the authed user. Bot
users in this context are considered authed users.
--message Delete messages
--file Delete files
--info Show information
--regex Interpret channel, direct, group, and mpdirect as regex
--channel CHANNEL Channel name's, e.g., general
--direct DIRECT Direct message's name, e.g., sherry
--group GROUP Private group's name
--mpdirect MPDIRECT Multiparty direct message's name, e.g.,
--user USER Delete messages/files from certain user
--botname BOTNAME Delete messages/files from certain bots. Implies '--bot'
--bot Delete messages from bots
--keeppinned exclude pinned messages from deletion
--after AFTER Delete messages/files newer than this time (YYYYMMDD)
--before BEFORE Delete messages/files older than this time (YYYYMMDD)
--types TYPES Delete files of a certain type, e.g., posts,pdfs
--pattern PATTERN Delete messages/files with specified pattern or if one of their attachments matches (regex)
--perform Perform the task
Permission Scopes needed
The permissions to grant depend on what you are going to use the script for. Grant the permissions below depending on your use.
Beyond granting permissions, if you wish to use this script to delete messages or files posted by others, you will need to be an Owner or Admin of the workspace.
Deleting messages from public channels
Deleting messages from private channels
Deleting messages from 1:1 IMs
Deleting messages from multi-person IMs
Deleting files
# Delete all messages from a channel
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --channel general --user "*"
# Delete all messages from a private group aka private channel
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --group hr --user "*"
# Delete all messages from a direct message channel
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --direct sherry --user johndoe
# Delete all messages from a multiparty direct message channel. Note that the
# list of usernames must contains yourself
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --mpdirect sherry,james,johndoe --user "*"
# Delete all messages from certain user
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --channel gossip --user johndoe
# Delete all messages from bots (especially flooding CI updates)
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --channel auto-build --bot
# Delete all messages older than 2015/09/19
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --message --channel general --user "*" --before 20150919
# Delete all files
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --file --user "*"
# Delete all files from certain user
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --file --user johndoe
# Delete all snippets and images
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --file --types snippets,images
# Show information about users, channels:
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --info
# Delete matching a regexp pattern
slack-cleaner --token <TOKEN> --pattern "(bar|foo.+)"
# TODO add add keep_pinned example, add quiet
# Always have a look at help message
slack-cleaner --help
Configuring app
The cleaner needs you to give Slack's API permission to let it run the operations it needs. You grant these by registering it as an app in the workspace you want to use it in.
You can grant these permissions to the app by:
- going to Your Apps
- select 'Create New App', fill out an App Name (eg 'Slack Cleaner') and select the Slack workspace you want to use it in
- select 'OAuth & Permissions' in the sidebar
- scroll down to Scopes and select all scopes you need
- select 'Save changes'
- select 'Install App to Workspace'
- review the permissions and press 'Authorize'
- copy the 'OAuth Access Token' shown, and use this token as the
argument to the script
After the task, a backup file slack-cleaner.<timestamp>.log
will be created in current directory if --log
is supplied.
If any API problem occurred, try --rate=<delay-in-seconds>
to reduce the API call rate (which by default is unlimited).
If you see the following warning from urllib3
, consider to install missing
packages: pip install --upgrade requests[security]
or just upgrade your Python to 2.7.9.
InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available.
This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail.
For more information, see
To all the people who can only afford a free plan.