
Advent of code 2022. As usualy not going for speed, golfing, etc, just trying to write clean code and solve the problems.

Day 1

Obviously a nice easy slow start. Initially I went with max on the list of the sum of the elves calories... I should have anticipated that I'd want them sorted so I could grab a set of them. Quick and easy change.

Day 2

I thought I was being slick by just turning the strategy guide into something readable then basing my answer off of that, great for task 1, but iffy for task 2.

This could be solved more elegantly by passing how to handle the second column of the guide in to be used at the last minute instead of where I'm currently passing it, but I wanted to wrap up before my lunch break was over. One to revisit and refactor to be clean.

Day 3

Did this on day 4. First pass I assumed I'd need the frequencies for some reason. Which still got me to the right answer but once I read the second task I realized that the only difference was in how the groups of rucksacks to test were made. And that's the function that gets passed to the algorithm: group each rucksack into compartments, or group every three rucksacks together.

Day 4

Also did this on day 4, got cute with the first check because I assumed the ranges would be large and turning them into sets was going to churn, wound up re-writing to just use sets once I saw the second task.

Day 5

Knocked this out on day 6, so still a day behind. A little compulsive refactoring to pass the crate-mover model along after the fact but super easy. Most of the work is getting the data into a shape I want to work with.

Day 6

This was a 5 minute task. A sliding window with a configureable window size handled it easily. I made the window configureable from the start guessing that that'd be necessary in the second. I swear we had something extremely similar last year.

Day 7

Another easy one and another one where a stack makes the solution pretty trivial. Rather than build out a tree I only handled directory changes (pushing new dirs on the stack with a uuid in case there were nested dirs... which there were), and file sizes.

Maintaining a running list of directory sizes by looking at the current directory stack was trivial.

Finding the space needed was just arithmetic given the sizes.

Day 8

I had the idea right, but this is sloppy. Visibility and score are basically the same but I just re-implemented the basic flow for score. Additionally I was wrong at first because I didn't think to reverse the "before" lists, then a second time because I didn't think through my use of take-while. What I really wanted was take-until. I discovered halt-when after I solved the problem so that bit should be pretty easy to re-write.

Day 9

I didn't re-factor this as well as I should have for part 2. I'm not sure there's a need to keep the head separate from the 'tails' just applying the move to the first position should then passing the whole rope to propogate moves would be cleaner.

Again manipulating the input was key. Calculating moves are a lot easier when the head moves one step at a time so expanding the input was key.

Small setback on knots higher than 2 for part 2 because I wasn't thinking about conj order and was using a list where a vector would give me the order I wanted.

Day 10

Not a hard one yet. It could probably be more efficient but the answer returns immediately so good enough.

I realized I didn't need to track the value at every time t so I just tracked the state changes and wrote a lookup function to figure out what X was based on that.

For part 2 it took me a second to realize that the fact that the pixels start at 0 and the cycles at 1 actually makes a difference. Initially I thought they were the same. Which lead to the second slow down... I still kept the values linked and forgot to mod the lookup at < 40 instead of <= 40. Which actually only resulted in a single pixel off which seemed really weird until I saw way (though a one pixel difference wasn't a problem in getting the solution in).

I think I could clean this up to be more readable, especially around variable names... I mixed the time var and the pixel vars in a way I probably shouldn't have.

Day 11

Brute force worked on task 1. Task 2 failed with an integer overflow, which was obviously the trick, how to represent the numbers. Took me a awhile to think through but the big clue was all the divisors were primes. If you just tracked the remainder for each potential divisor you can keep to low numbers. Should work just fine for non-primes too but seeing those primes just pushed me in the direction of thinking in "atomic" values.

I'm sure there's a clever way to do it I missed, but I got the answer. Probably could use some optimization and task 1 needs to be re-written to work with task 2 but that should be fairly straight-forward.

First class functions were the hero today. I changed the items from being primitive ints to a list of maps and the bulk of the code didn't need changing. Each monkey was defined in terms of the math it did when inspecting and the predicate it used to choose who it throw to and that all just continued to work.

Day 12

Work... football... missed it on the day. Was just going to lag a day but looked at day 13 and saw how neatly that fit into a clojure solution and knocked that out instead.

This does look like a pathing problem but to be continued...

Came back to this on day 17, I'm way behind. I took the time to implement my own BFS since it's been awhile. It looked like it was super slow until I realized I left an errant println in place. Doesn't mean I can't clean it up but that ns should be useable from here on out and I didn't go to an external library, which would have made this trivial.

Best bet is to come back and clean it up for use next year.

Day 13

As soon as I saw this I knew it was going to be a breeze. The data was already nearly EDN, though I did wind up swapping braces for parens for ease of conjing a value back onto the front of the list.

The one thing I'm kicking myself for is not realizing that I was implementing a comparator from the jump. In the end all I had to do was search and replace the keywords I was using with -1, 0, 1 and the process lists could be passed as a comparator to sort though... just a few minutes and task 2 was done.

I suppose I could come back to this and implement my own sorting algorithm at some point.

Day 14

Finally got around to doing day 14, it's Dec 30. The way I implemented the first task the simulation stops once a grain falls past the lowest floor. That grain is not placed.

I could solve the second task but re-implementing the conditions for stopping but I think I can tweak things by changing the stop condition, which will require placing grains that stop falling.

So all it took was to add the ability to pass in the stop condition and to place sand that reached the max y value. Calculating the answer isn't fast but it works.

This is one to come back to for performance reasons.

Day 15

Started this on 12/31/2022. The naive solution (getting the bounded points for every beacon and filterin out all those not belonging to the row in question) simply takes far too long. There's clearly a trick.

I did decide to use instaparse on this. The input could easily have been converted with string operations but having a parser as part of your toolkit is valuable imo and it's been awhile since I pulled out instaparse. Even though it took a little longer the code is cleaner (imo) than making a bunch of splits and substitutions. I may start using it more to make sure I stay fluent with that library.

My first optimization was to eliminate all of the input rows that couldn't possibly affect the row I was after. That wasn't enough.

Optimization two was to cheat a bit... There aren't many cases where I'd usually do this in real code, but I defined a dynamic var that could be set to a row and all ranges would be restricted to that row only. I generally prefer to provide general-ish solutions but in this case since it was task 1 I wanted to see what task two wanted quickly to see if that optimzation would hold up. Looking at part two I don't think it will. It might finish but it would certainly be several minutes. If it were less than a minute I'd be ok with itbut several means there has to be a better way.

I suspect there are interactions between either each beacon, or a beacon and other sensors, or some permutation there that's exploitable. Checking in task 1 and thinking it over a bit...

Ok, I didn't need anything fancy, just the realization that I could work with ranges and if all the ranges overlapped, the single spot a beacon could be would not be in that row. I don't know if I solve the general problem or if my particular input just happened to not need to care about x-values above or below the cutoff, but when I saw there was only one answer looking at all of the input I didn't bother filtering those values out.

It's still not quick, a good candidate to come back and look at why. But it's not so long that it bothers me to leave it as is. It's also fairly clean and consistent across the tasks.