
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

My Init

This is my Emacs config, re-write at the end of 2022. Nothing of real importance is outside of init.el right now though some of my elisp files are included.

For now I’ve moved on from a literate config, but I may very well move back. As I converted my old config to the new there were things I found that I can’t remember why or where they came from. I can keep track of that stuff via comments in an elisp file but org mode should make it easier… though apparently not easy enough for me to do it last time.

My main reason for changing things was to move to the newer stack that’s popular right now with packages like:

  • vertico
  • corfu
  • marginalia
  • consult
  • embark

After playing with them for a bit in a branch I liked what I was able to do, so I’m going to stick with it. Helm and Company have been the center of my config for a long time so it’s a change for fun as much as for function.

I’ve also switched to eglot for (at least) clojure. Using built ins when they’re available is what I’m aiming for and lsp-mode, while very good, was a bit too cluttered and felt heavyweight. It’s definitely once of the packages I might go back to.

Some stuff here is just left over from the old config, I’m leaving it intentionally. It’s easier to look at my old settings.org directly for now in case I find some functionality lacking that I didn’t pull over. Later I’ll delete it and I can always look back in git to see if I missed something.

Most of the old config was ported over (that wasn’t helm, company, or lsp related) but I could have missed something.

Aside from the core stack, moving away from projectile and lsp-mode are the two biggest changes. Both of which could be reverted if necessary.

Things I want to sort out


I like having a keyboard based, context sensitive “right click”, but I’d like to customize it a bit more. I can envision throwing a lot of what it provides away and just using the idea to help edit code in my workflow. Specifically, right now, when it is invoked it correctly grabs a symbol in clojure-mode, when I want it to either treat it as a symbol and an sexp or be able to toggle between them. Of all things I’ve used Embark for the smartparens commands seem like the first thing (e.g. raise-sexp) I’d be likely to grab on to.


I almost re-installed projectile simply for grepping a project. Then I dug into consult a bit, in the current stack consult-ripgrep gives me an even better workflow. There’s a lot in consult that I don’t know about or understand but I have the feeling that there’s a lot of power there I’m leaving on the table.


I like having my function signatures shown in the echo area, I don’t like when the echo area jumps around in size because the clj docs are being pulled in and displayed in markdown. I’d like to turn that off completely (though pulling clj blocks into a buffer, preferably closeable with a simple ‘q’, on demand is something I do want).


I still need explore Vertico quite a bit. Multi-form mode is cool, but I don’t like it set to unobtrusive since that gets rid of the value marginalia provides, but it also looks odd right now. I’m getting a popup for completions, which I don’t think is corfu, but could be, and it doesn’t stretch across the frame. Tolerable for now, but something to run down. It wasn’t even noticeable until I set hl-line on.

Magit ordering

Something I noticed when pushing a branch, in my old config a new branch’s remote would automatically be set to origin/branch-name, the first new branch I pushed up after switching was pointing at master (and I assume would point at main). Something to keep an eye on.


I do like the simplicity of eglot but it’s not easy to see the warnings. I can customize that, but before I start tweaking things I want to play with them as they are out of the box.

Select db org

I’m getting an error when I use my select db org file command. I don’t know for sure that this started with the config change and it doesn’t seem to stop the file from loading or from executing. Still needs to be fixed.

Workflow Notes

As I find ways to do things in this new workflow I intend to record them here. That way I’m capturing the things I do the most for the next re-write/package change etc.