Ghost Terminal takes all of the excitement of the popular spelling game GHOST and allows you to play against a relentless computer in your terminal.
###Installation You must have Ruby version 2.0 or higher
Follow these steps in your terminal:
- Clone the GitHub repo into the desired folder with
git clone https://github.com/jgertz26/ghost.git
- Install the bundler gem with
gem install bundler
- Run
bundle install
- Create the words database with
createdb wordgames
- Create the database table and populate it with
ruby import.rb
. THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME. Go make a sandwich or something while you wait.
#####Run the game with the command ruby game.rb
, exit with ctrl + C
###Here are the rules:
- Each round you will begin by entering a letter.
- The computer will add a letter to yours and continue to spell out a word.
- The object of the game is to avoid completing a valid word. Only words with 4 or more letters are considered valid.
- The game is scored like HORSE. If you complete a word, you will be given a G (then an H, then an O, S and T)
- First player to receive all the letters in GHOST loses tragically
- You must be creating a valid word when you add a letter or you will promptly be called for your LIES.