

Primary LanguageKotlin

Recipe Recommender Gemini in Android

A large language model LLM is a statistical language model, trained on a massive amount of data, that can be used to generate and translate text and other content and perform other natural language processing (NLP) tasks. LLMs are typically based on deep learning architectures, such as the Transformer developed by Google in 2017, and can be trained on billions of text and other content.

Google offers an LLM called Gemini

Gemini is the result of large-scale collaborative efforts by teams across Google, including our colleagues at Google Research. It was built from the ground up to be multimodal, which means it can generalize and seamlessly understand, operate across, and combine different types of information including text, code, audio, image, and video.

The Vertex AI Gemini API gives you access to the latest generative AI models from Google: the Gemini models. If you need to call the Vertex AI Gemini API directly from your mobile or web app – rather than server-side — you can use the Vertex AI for Firebase SDKs

This App uses the Gemini API on Android to recommend recipes with multiple parameters. There is also a parameter to send an image and get recommendations based on it.

These are some parameters to obtain recommendations:

- Add some basic ingredients.
- Choose types of food.
- Choose Region
- Choose the output language

The app will show three options with the following information:

- Name
- Calories
- Ingredients
- Instructions
- Videos
- References

Output Options:

Output Options in another language:

There is also a parameter to send an image and get recommendations based on it:

You can chat with a chef, ask for help cooking, and ask about specific recipes:

You can chat with a chef using Functions Calling. Function calling helps you connect generative models to external systems so that the generated content includes the most up-to-date and accurate information. This time this API is called (https://themealdb.com/api/json/v1/1/filter.php?a=)

Additionally, you can get a summary of a video

Made with ❤ by jggomez.

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Copyright 2024 Juan Guillermo Gómez

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