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Neo4j k8s cluster

This repository contains everything related to neo4j on K8s. Contains the following.

  • Installing neo4j on k8s manually with Helm.
  • Installing neo4j on k8s with Terraform.
  • Update of neo4j nodes because it is necessary to change the configuration properties.
  • Creating backups and restore offline mode.
  • Creating backups and restore online mode.
  • Basic commands for monitoring neo4j cluster.

1. Installing neo4j on k8s manually with Helm.

You can follow the official Neo4j documentation

Quickstart: Deploy a Neo4j cluster

First, create the cluster

gcloud container clusters create gke-neo4j-dev --num-nodes=3 --machine-type "e2-standard-4” --zone="us-central1-c"

Create compute disk on GCP

gcloud compute disks create --size 60Gi --type pd-ssd "core-disk-1"
gcloud compute disks create --size 60Gi --type pd-ssd "core-disk-2”
gcloud compute disks create --size 60Gi --type pd-ssd "core-disk-3”

Obtain k8s cluster credentials

gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-neo4j-dev --zone="us-central1-a"
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-neo4j-prd --zone="us-central1-a"

Create the basic values of the yaml files with the properties for each core


Install the Neo4j core nodes with Helm

helm install core-1 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-1.values.yaml
helm install core-2 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-2.values.yaml
helm install core-3 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-3.values.yaml

Install the load balancer

helm install lb neo4j/neo4j-cluster-loadbalancer --set neo4j.name=gke-neo4j-dev

2. Neo4j k8s cluster - Terraform Scripts

This step contains the terraform scripts to install neo4j on kubernetes. Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.

Steps to use these scripts

1- Copy these files inside GCP, you can use Cloud Shell. If you use cloud shell, you don't need to install GCP CLI, helm and you don't need to authenticate to GCP.

2- Inside cloud shell, download this repository

3- You must create the cluster and the disks for that you must execute the following commands.

For this you use the file neo4j-k8s-cluster.tf, you need to check the Google service account and attributes for the cluster.


This command is used to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files

terraform init

This command executes the actions proposed in a Terraform plan

terraform apply

4- Check out the files to create the main neo4j nodes, these contain attributes for each node. For this case, we are going to create three core nodes. If you want more information about these files you can go to the following link

Create Helm deployment values files

5- Before running the commands, create a kubeconfig entry for neo4j-gke-cluster. You can create this kubeconfig with the following command:

Remember to set the correct cluster name and zone

gcloud container clusters get-credentials (CLUSTE-NAME) --zone="us-central1-a"

6- There are three terraform files for each value file




Cloud Shell allows you to have multiple consoles, you need to open three for this case because it will run at the same time to create core nodes. Then, execute the following commands in each window at the same time:

terraform init
terraform apply

Please wait to finish successfully

7- Finally, create the load balancer. Use the file neo4j-k8s-cluster-lb.tf


And execute the same terraform commands

terraform init
terraform apply

3. Update of neo4j nodes because it is necessary to change the configuration properties

Change the values you need in the yaml values file

Configure a Neo4j Helm deployment

helm upgrade core-1 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-1.values.yaml
helm upgrade core-2 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-2.values.yaml
helm upgrade core-3 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-3.values.yaml

4. Creating backups and restore OFFLINE mode.


Set the correct project with gcloud and obtain credentials of the k8s cluster

gcloud config set project wordboxdev
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-neo4j-dev --zone="us-central1-a"

You must put Neo4j pods into offline maintenance mode. Change the following property in yaml values file

offlineMaintenanceModeEnabled: true

and upgrade with Helm. Please repeat this with all nodes

helm upgrade core-1 neo4j/neo4j-cluster-core -f core-1.values.yaml

Remember to change the property to false when you are done creating a backup or restoring a backup

4.1 Creating backups offline mode

Enter to a pod for example core-1-0 with the following command

kubectl exec -it core-1-0 -- bash

Create backup therefore the dump file and exit the container

neo4j-admin dump --expand-commands --database=lessons --to /backups/lessons.dump

Copy this file to local machine

kubectl cp core-1-0:/var/lib/neo4j/lessons.dump backups/lessons.dump

And upload this file to GCP storage

gsutil cp lessons.dump gs://backups-wordbox

4.2 Restore backups offline mode

Enter to a pod for example core-1-0 with the following command

kubectl exec -it core-1-0 -- bash

Login to Neo4j instance with the cypher-shell

cypher-shell -u neo4j -p PASWWORD -d system

Delete the database you want to restore


You must put Neo4j pods into offline maintenance mode. Change the following property in yaml values file

Enter all pods, for example core-1-0 with the following command

kubectl exec -it core-1-0 -- bash

Download the backup inside the container


Load a backup

neo4j-admin load --expand-commands --database=lessons --from lessons.dump
Repeat the load from a backup on all core nodes

Create the database you just restored (This step only in one container)


5. Creating backups and restore ONLINE mode.


Set the correct project with gcloud and obtain credentials of the k8s cluster

gcloud config set project wordboxdev
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-neo4j-dev --zone="us-central1-a"

5.1 Creating backups online mode

You must create a temporary pod to create a backup

kubectl run backup --rm -it --image "neo4j:4.4.8-enterprise" -- bash

Create a backup inside this container

bin/neo4j-admin backup --from=core-1-admin.default.svc.cluster.local:6362 --database=lessons --backup-dir=. --expand-commands

Copy this backup-directory to local machine in another console window

kubectl cp backup:/var/lib/neo4j/lessons backup-lessons/

Compress a backup-directory

tar -czvf lessson-backup.tar.gz backup-lessons/

And upload this file to GCP storage

gsutil cp lessson-backup.tar.gz gs://backups-wordbox

5.2 Restore backups online mode

Enter to a pod for example core-1-0 with the following command

kubectl exec -it core-1-0 -- bash

Login to Neo4j instance with the cypher-shell

cypher-shell -u neo4j -p PASWWORD -d system

Delete the database you want to restore


Download the backup inside the container


Unzip the backup-directory

tar -xvf lessson-backup.tar.gz

Restore a backup

neo4j-admin restore --database=lessons --from=/backups/lesssons --expand-commands
Repeat the restore from a backup on all core nodes

Create the database you just restored (This step only in one container)


6. Basic commands for monitoring neo4j cluster.

Restart Neo4j

kubectl rollout restart statefulset/<neo4j-statefulset-name>
kubectl rollout restart statefulset/core-1
kubectl rollout restart statefulset/core-2
kubectl rollout restart statefulset/core-3

Copy to pods

kubectl cp file default/core-1-0:/plugins/

Obtain the pods

kubectl get pods

Get the services

kubectl get services

Complete info about a pod

kubectl describe service lb-neo4j

Get the logs of a container

kubectl exec core-1-0 -- tail /logs/neo4j.log

neo4j URL browser

